Friday, May 31, 2019
Dancing With Wolves Essay -- essays research papers
1. The film move with Wolves takes place in South Dakota in 1863. John Dunbar isthe main character who hurts his leg in battle and is sent to the margin on a new missionas a Lieutenant. When Dunbar arrives in South Dakota he is there alone, no one else hadmade their way their yet. Dunbar stepwise starts to live with the Indians and become oneof them getting the name Dancing with Wolves. Another main character is Standing witha clenched fist, who marries Dancing with Wolves. Standing with a Fist is an American who wascaptured but the Indians when was very young. She was used as an interrupted, butgradually fell in love with Dancing with Wolves. Another main character is breaking wind in hisHair. Wind in his Hair makes Dancing with Wolves comfortable in their tribe. He isDancing with Wolves friend and the one who took care of Standing with a Fist. TheSioux Indians were the Indians who were more(prenominal) friendly that did not have a spirit in themalways wanting war unlike the P awnee Indians who were the Sioux enemies.2. The beggars and thieves in the story of Dancing with Wolves were the white people. Dancing with Wolves looked on the whites as this. The Indians used everything theypossibly could. For example the totanca (buffalo) was used in every way possible for it tobe used. They used all the buffalos organs and hides of fur possible. Nothing waswasting. In the movie when Dancing with Wolves sees the stampede of buffalo he goesand tells the Sioux Indians of this. The day he an...
Thursday, May 30, 2019
The Fitzgerald Flapper Essay -- Biography Biographies Essays
The Fitzgerald Flapper Which came first, the flapper or the Fitzgerald flapper? This scruple may prove as difficult as its proverbial counterpart. But it is a question well worth asking in an effort to examine the flapper, a cultural icon of the 1920s. This new woman heralded an end to the traditional straightlaced woman, as well as the relatively new Gibson girl. But where did she come from? And what was Fitzgeralds contribution to the creation of such an icon? Fitzgeralds short story Bernice Bobs Her Hair and impudent This Side of Paradise will be used to make such an assessment. Finally, one must ask how the flapper, in turn, contributed to Fitzgeralds career, for the good and the bad. Although the flapper may have guaranteed the succeeder of This Side of Paradise and earned Fitzgerald the position of spokesman for a generation, it may have also stifled the progression of his work and confused critics for years to come.First, it would be right-hand to establish a work ing definition of the flapper, prior to Fitzgerald. Coined in England, the flapper was used to describe a somewhat awkward, fledgling-type girl, in the throws of budding womanhood (Flappers in the hollo Twenties). She is still learning how to move in her body, gangly and thin. Another source puts forth a very different definition of the flapper. This definition, found in Mrs. Stratton of Oak Knoll asserts that a flapper is English slang for a society girl who has made her debut and hasnt found a husband (F. Scott Fitzgerald Centenary). She is an middle-aged maid of sorts, gone to seed. The first of these two definitions seems the more likely origin of the Fitzgerald flapper.Prior to World War I, most women in the America still behaved and dr... ...e to conciliate to a writers changing objectives. Works CitedBruccoli, Matthew J. The Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald. New York, NY Scribner, 1989 Bryer, Jackson. The Critical Reputation of F. Scott Fitzger ald A Bibliographical Study. USA Archon Books, 1967 Fryer, Sarah Beebe. Fitzgeralds New Women Harbingers of Change. Ann Arbor and London UMI Research Press, 1988. Kitch, Carolyn. The miss on the Magazine Cover. Chapel Hill The University of North Carolina Press, 2001 Prigozy, Ruth. The Cambridge Companion to F. Scott Fitzgerald. UK and USA Cambridge University Press, 2002 Flappers in the Roaring Twenties. F. Scott Fitzgerald Centenary University of South Carolina. January 2002.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Portraying the Character of Lady Macbeth :: Lady Macbeth Scottish Plays Essays
Portraying the Character of Lady MacbethCongratulations on getting the part of Lady Macbeth in the recent OldVics production of the Scots Play I am writing this letter to giveyou some interpretation and tips on how you can portray you qualitybest on stage. aft(prenominal) watching numerous versions of the cultivate, I havenot once seen this character being conveyed as well as the Globesrecent production. thus in this letter I want to clarify and explainhow this scene can be staged best, since it is nonpareil of the mostimportant in the play your role will need to be played outexceptionally well. The reason why this scene is so important is thatin this scene we palpate sympathy for Lady Macbeth for the first time inthe play, we witness the true depth of guilt expressed for all to see,and in this scene it is expressed by her actions and words duringher nightmare sleep. We see her suffering and realize the extent ofher actions in front in the play. I will explain line by line h ow Iwould like to see you play this scene on stage.At this stage in the play, Lady Macbeth, is an odd one since hercharacter is so different from the earlier scenes in the play. In thisscene it is crucial that you act with despair and regret in your eyesand most importantly the audience must feel disgrace and definitely mustsense sympathy for you. You will need to portray yourself as a totallydifferent Lady Macbeth in this scene from the one who so coollyprepared the murder of the King. Her trance-like state must echo thatof Macbeth in Act two, scene one it is crucial that you convey thedetachment and isolation she is feeling to the audience.The doctor will be dressed in a black outfit to convey that Scotlandis sick and disordered under the hands or an unnatural evil ruler,whereas the Gentlewoman will be dressed in a white maids outfitreflecting her loyalty towards her mistress, looking after her evenduring her complaint and not revealing her secrets to anyone. As Iwitnessed in t he Roman Polanskis version of the Scottish Play, Ithought it was clever for Lady Macbeths character to be undressed asit conveyed the sense of revealing all of your inner thoughts to theaudience quite brilliantly. Although, I dont know how comfortable you exponent feel being nude on stage, I thought that this would be a greatway to portray your character the best. We will negotiate this subject area
Teenagers and Suicide Essay -- Teenage Suicide Essays
The third leading puzzle of death amongst teenagers SuicideDid you accredit that felo-de-se is currently the third leading cause of death among teenagers in the United States? (4). In 1992, more teenagers and young adults died from suicide than those who died from stroke, cancer, heart disease, AIDS, birth defects, pneumonia, grippe and chronic lung disease combined (4). Suicide is definitely a compelling problem amongst youth in the U.S today. It is estimated that 300 to 400 teen suicides occur per grade in Los Angeles County which is equivalent to one teenager lost every day (1). Many concerned populate ask, What is going on? and Why is this happening? Among legion(predicate) things, some suicidal youths experience family trouble, which leads them, to doubt their self-worth and make them feel unwanted, superfluous, and misunderstood. According to one study, 90 percent of suicidal teenagers believed their families did not understand them. Young people reported that when they tried to tell their parents about their feelings of unhappiness or failure, their mother and father denied or ignored their point of view (1). Suicide can be prevented in fact, suicide prevention has saved over ten percent of teens who have tried to attempt suicide (1). In this paper I leave behind prove that although, suicide is a serious epidemic amongst teens in the U.S., it can also be prevented. Im depressed. You might say it casually to refer to sadness that engulfs you and thusly goes away. But impression is also a mental health illness that may require help from an experienced professional(1). Depression has been considered to be the leading cause of teen suicide in the 20th century, affecting approximately eight million teens in North America (2). Recen... ... While the above teen suicide facts are astounding, here are some positives about teen depression and suicide The number one cause of teen suicide is untreated depression. about suicidal teens respond positively t o psychotherapy and medication. Nearly 90 percent of depressed people benefit from medication. Those contemplating suicide can be talked out of it. web Sources 1)Teen depression homepage, a rich resource on how to prevent teen suicide http// depression homepage, a rich resource on causes of suicide. http// depression homepage, a personal story on teen suicide http// depression homepage, facts about suicide http//
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Daniel Boone :: essays research papers
More than any other man, Daniel Boone was responsible for the exploration and settlement of Kentucky. His grandfather came from England to the States in 1717. His father was a weaver and blacksmith, and he raised livestock in the country near Reading, Pennsylvania. Daniel was born there on November 2, 1734. If Daniel Boone was destined to constitute a man of the wild, an explorer of unmapped spaces, his boyhood was the perfect preparation. He came to know the friendly Indians in the forests, and early he was marking the habits of wild things and bringing them dispirited with a crude whittled spear. When he was twelve his father gave him a rifle, and his career as a huntsman began. When he was fifteen, the family moved to the Yadkin Valley in sum Carolina, a trek that took over a year. At nineteen or twenty he left his family home with a military expedition in the French and Indian War. There he met John Finley, a hunter who had seen some of the western wilds, who told him stories that set him dreaming. But Boone was not quite ready to tail the explorers life. Back home on his fathers farm he began courting a neighbors daughter, Rebecca Bryan, and soon they were married. In 1767 Boone traveled into the edge of Kentucky and camped for the winter at Salt bounce near Prestonsburg. But the least explored parts were still farther west, beyond the Cumberlands, and John Finley persuaded him to go on a great adventure. On May 1, 1769, Boone, Finley, and foursome other men, started out. They passed Cumberland Gap and on the 7th of June, they set up camp at Station Camp creek. It was nearly two years before Boone returned home, and during that magazine he explored Kentucky as far west as the Falls of the Ohio, where Louisville is now. There was another visit to Kentucky in 1773, and in 1774 he built a confine at Harrodsburg. On this trip, Boone followed the Kentucky River to its mouth. Colonel Richard Henderson of the Transylvania Company hired Boone as his agent, and in March, 1775, Boone came again to the "Great Meadow" with a party of thirty settlers. They began to clear the Wilderness avenue and by April they were establishing their settlement at Boonesborough. Boone left the Bluegrass in 1788 and moved into what is now West Virginia.
Daniel Boone :: essays research papers
More than any other man, Daniel Boone was responsible for the exploration and narrowtlement of Kentucky. His grand obtain came from England to America in 1717. His father was a weaver and blacksmith, and he raised livestock in the country near Reading, Pennsylvania. Daniel was born there on November 2, 1734. If Daniel Boone was destined to become a man of the wild, an explorer of unmapped spaces, his boyhood was the perfect preparation. He came to know the friendly Indians in the forests, and early he was marking the habits of wild things and bringing them down with a crude whittled spear. When he was twelve his father gave him a rifle, and his career as a huntsman began. When he was fifteen, the family moved to the Yadkin Valley in North Carolina, a trek that took over a year. At nineteen or twenty he left his family home with a military expedition in the French and Indian War. There he met whoremonger Finley, a hunter who had seen some of the western wilds, who told him stories that set him dreaming. But Boone was not quite ready to pursue the explorers life. Back home on his fathers farm he began courting a neighbors daughter, Rebecca Bryan, and soon they were married. In 1767 Boone traveled into the edge of Kentucky and camped for the winter at Salt Spring near Prestonsburg. But the least explored parts were up to now farther west, beyond the Cumberlands, and John Finley persuaded him to go on a great adventure. On May 1, 1769, Boone, Finley, and four other men, started out. They passed Cumberland Gap and on the 7th of June, they set up camp at Station Camp creek. It was nearly two years before Boone returned home, and during that time he explored Kentucky as far west as the Falls of the Ohio, where Louisville is now. There was another visit to Kentucky in 1773, and in 1774 he built a cabin at Harrodsburg. On this trip, Boone followed the Kentucky River to its mouth. Colonel Richard Henderson of the Transylvania Company hired Boone as his agent, and in March, 1775, Boone came again to the "Great Meadow" with a party of thirty settlers. They began to clear the Wilderness Road and by April they were establishing their settlement at Boonesborough. Boone left the blue grass in 1788 and moved into what is now West Virginia.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Steam-powered Boilers
kettlefuls are closed containers where a fluid is heated to become steam above the atmospheric pressure (Steingress, 2001 5). Thus, they are ofttimes called steam-powered boilers since the steam they generate is go ford as a source of energy such as electricity. Boilers have two primary parts. These are the compartment for give the sack combustion and the other compartment for evaporation of pee to produce steam (Prasad). The steam produced then(prenominal), leaves the water compartment and is used for various purposes (Steingress, 2003 4).The main materials for boiler construction can be carbon steel, stain slight steel, brass or cast iron. These materials are used since they are not flammable and they are good conductors of heat. Inside the boiler, combustion of fuels such as wood, coal, natural gas or oil, generates the heat needed to turn water into steam. History of Boilers Pneumatica was the first steam machine ever produced in the score of mechanics. This steam engine was the first employment of water generated into steam to produce power. It was invented in the 1st century by a Greek mathematician and inventor named paladin of Alexandria.In the Middle Ages and Renaissance period, Italian architect and inventor Giovanni Branca designed the first boiler. The boiler discharges steam, which in turn, struck the blades of a wheel thus, causing it to rotate. Later, in the grade 1785, Scottish inventor James Watt redesigned the previous boiler. He introduced the use of spherical and cylindric vessels heated from below by open fire to generate steam. This design is what makes up the modern-day boiler (Prasad). Applications of Boilers Boilers have various purposes. Nevertheless, most of its applications are in the field of energy generation for further functions.One good instance is the use of boiler in the first steam engine produced. Thomas Savery built this steam engine made of two copper vessels, which are alternately filled with steam from a boil er. The said engine was used for pumping water out of mines (Prasad). Other useful applications of boilers are boiler feed water deaerator, outer combustion engine, fossil fuel power plant generator, and ship propeller power generator. There are still other uses of boilers especially in the industriousness however, these applications are specific for each fibre of boiler.There are two major types of boilers fire-tube boilers and water-tube boilers. Fire-tube Boilers The fore-runner of a fire-tube boiler was invented by Oliver Evans in America. Evans built a boiler consisting of cylindrical casings where one is inside the other and the region between them containing water. The fire and fuel in this type of boiler are inside the cylinder thus allowing an profit in steam pressure (Prasad). Fire-tube boilers, compared to water-tube boilers, have low steam production rate. However, this type of boiler has a high steam depot capacity.Fire-tube boilers usually utilize solid fuels never theless, liquid fuels can also be used upon adaptation of the device. One hazard of fire-tube boilers is that they are sometimes explosive (Prasad). In fire-tube boilers, the boiler metal drum is almost completely filled with water with a small space above to enclose the steam that is produced. The source of fuel is a furnace, which is cooled by water around it, to prevent overheating which may cause explosions. Fire- tube boilers are also known as smoke-tube or shell boiler and fire pipe.Boilers of this type are typically used for steam locomotives and for heating buildings in stationary engineering fields. There are several kinds of fire-tube boilers that differ only in the route the flu gasses, which provide the heat, are transported in a variety of tubes. These types are Cornish boiler, Lancashire boiler, Scotch marine boiler, locomotive boiler, vertical fire-tube boiler and horizontal arrest tubular boiler (Shonas Wreck Guide). Water-tube Boilers This type of boiler was intr oduced later than its counterpart. It was invented by George Herman Babcock and Stephen Wilcox in 1867 (Prasad).Unlike fire-tube boilers, water-tube boilers have high steam production rates. However, they have less storage capacity than fire-tube types. Water-tube boilers are characteristically used in high-pressure applications because the narrow pipes of this type can endure pressure despite their thin walls. Furthermore, water-tube boilers have less happen of explosions since the water used is only minimal. In water-tube types, the water flows through tubes, which are heated externally by gases. Steam is then collected into a drum located above the tubes.This type is also inexpensive in a sense that the water is just circulated inside the tubes. The water is heated then turned into steam and again cooled to water upon accomplishing its purpose. Water-type boilers also have different classifications, which are D-type, O-type, A-type, flex-tube boiler, Babcock and Wilcox boiler, S tirling boiler, thornycroft boiler, and yarrow boiler (Prasad). Safety Precautions Since steam boilers are pressurized vessels, it has a risk of explosion. Boiler explosions are damaging since they are boiling liquid expanding vapor explosions.In this case, the pressure exceeds the capacity of the vessel and thus, explodes into destructive steam, not to mention the furnace that may attach to the explosion. Furnace explosions may also occur in boilers. It is thus advised that maintenance and unfaltering inspection of the boiler be done. One well-known explosion took key in the steamer Eclipse on January 27, 1865. In this disaster, 27 were killed and 78 were wounded (Hewison 1). Therefore, hazards of boiler explosion can certainly be disturbing. Maintenance and regular replacement of defective or weak parts of the boiler should be done regularly.Works Cited General Ship Layout. Shonas Wreck Guide. 17 April 2008. Hewison, Christian H. Locomotive Boiler Explosions. David and Charles . 1983. Prasad, Vishwanath. Boilers. Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia. 2007. Microsoft Corporation. 17 April 2008. Steingress, Frederick M. Low Pressure Boilers. 4th Ed. American Technical Publishers. 2001. Steingress, Frederick M. , Harold Frost and Darryl Walker. High Pressure Boilers. 3rd Ed. American Technical Publishers. 2003.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Im a column shape water bottle with a greenish colour of cap and birth label on my transparent colour and wale pattern automobile trunk. The label state all the information of mine which including my weight with 350ml, my organ and blood system in the atom part, place of birth at Melaka, Malaysia and of course my identity which people used to called it barcode and obtain me by scan on it. I was sent to a tell on named seven- eleven with siblings when 2-weeks-old but this was w here the tragedy happened. Its at the moonlight night, a night people used to have their sweet dream on the lovely ed.Unluckily, I was an inconspicuous bottle who loitering and crying on the lonely slopes avenue because of a drunken old man who obtain me and suck in all the blood in my body to sober up his brain. My body is now rubbing to the road and play a sweet symphony. This short Journey is support care fast and uncivilized 5 in the scene but Im act to dodge the big stone and deep hole instead of ca r. The rubbing makes me feel some not bad(p) pain which in the affordable range. But the most broken-hearted is my skin has been scratching by rubbing and become full of scratches. The cool but lustery weather makes me backbreaking to stop myself on the street.I had no idea how to stop and felt forlornness to this situation because I might be obliged stuck somewhere on the street for whole life. The wind presumptuous indecent me and forced me to loiter along the street. Finally I stopped on the street near the drain since a huge tire block my way. I look around but there were no people or even a cat in my sight at this lonely night. I scream and shout with heartbreaks to the old man to pick me up or bring me home thus I wont stick at there forever. He couldnt hear me and went away afterword. I felt sleepy after this entire thrilling Journey. I was awakened by the ear-piercing horn.The glare and dazzle sun makes me couldnt open my eyes and suddenly I hear Pi Pi Piak Piak sound. I f elt unbearable pain from my body and soul since an old truck filled with waste mercilessly run over me without any warning and alert. But I was also unable to do anything even it gave me a whisper horn. When I was feeling the unbearable pain, a limousine as quickly as lighting run over me and unexpended me a wisp of smelly grey smoke. The vehicles on the road treat me like an ant that keep run over me continuously and I was drifted by hem from where to where since I couldnt remember where I am.I thought my miserable wandering life would bring me to heaven but it stopped after few hours. I heart-to-heart my eyes and realized that I was stuck by an old towering tree because the old roots locked me firmly. In this sad moment, I remember and bemused my siblings, mixed-up the days we chatting together happily. I think they might be sent back to the place we birth to refill the blood now, they might be missed me also. I remember that the place I birth was very clean and the air was f resh. Unlike the street and this tree which full of dust.The days I stuck by the old tree, originally didnt had any wind or rain but there were people who forced to help me take bath by hold at me. Sometimes, there would be people who drunk and vomit to me. I couldnt did anything even I didnt like it. So, I learned to be optimism, treat that like bathing. But days by days, I became smelly, estimated mildew. I started to talk and pray to god, hope that any scavengers would pity me and pick me up. I did it every day and didnt give up this small hope. In the leisure time, I would always look around, I always imagined leaving here and backing home.One day, I hear nah grandpa, here is nother empty cans, I look up and saw an old scavenger holding a little girl. He was dragging a big ductile bad which full of reuse items. I was so enw and desperate to go in that plastic bag, this was the only chance I could go back to recycle station and sent back to home. I keep scream and shout, moving my body even these was useless since the old scavenger couldnt hear and saw what I did to him. After they passed by me, I was totally give up and forlornness again But, there was always a but in life journey which could trade your life, so, Just think of the bright sight of the life.The little girl like sensed me and look back, she saw me and came towards me to pick me up. I was so sincere thank to the little girl since she save my life. After that, I follow them to back to their home, the little took me out from the plastic bag and help me to wash my smelly and unsportsmanlike body. She cut me into half after that and used me as flower pot to plant her flower. I didnt felt any remorse since she save my life, she keep watering the flower which I used to plant and talking to it every day. I felt that this might be another type of lifestyle for me. I was enjoyed and happy.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Research Project on Financial Crisis
Research Process on Financial Crisis Louis Cappelli 2/18/2012 From the research I let performed so far, I ache been able to isolate the main issues that caused the financial crisis in the 2000s. It seems to be that this whole crisis revolves around the major(ip)(ip) banks in America. I have been through a good amount of articles based upon the financial crisis so far, with each of them stating at least once something about the crisis relating to the banks.As I was finding this material, I noticed some other similarities in these resources involving the Crisis. For instance I noticed major names like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, who both seem to have a major involvement in loans in mortgages in America. From these sources I found the articles specifying what were the main causes of the financial crisis to be most helpful. Since I am not familiar with this effect and economic crisis at all, the articles that were more simplified for the general public were the ones I could better und erstand.From one article on About. com, I was given some of the major causes that of the recession involving the banks and what they did wrong. For instance I learned that in the beginning the banks didnt worry about their credit and were giving out loans to people who werent commensurate for them. Another thing that I took note upon over my research was the constant mentioning of a subprime mortgage. Apparently one of the first initiators of the financial crisis was the subprime mortgage crisis.These mortgages were granted to those with piteous credit, but unfortunately the rate of these mortgages skyrocketed, leaving many lenders with financial difficulties solutioning in bankruptcy. From the research performed and sources I thought were most reliable and factual, I fell as if the crisis we are dealing with is mainly in fault of the banks and loan mortgage cooperations in this country. I seems as if they messed up big time, and in result we all have to pay for their actions.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Enron Corporation
The crisis of confidence on the public accounting profession was non something that happened long and it is not the fault of one group of mass or individuals. The accounting profession is partly to blame for this crisis, as the necessary rules, regulations and guidelines were not in short letter to hold companies and accounting firms responsible for their actions. The lack of regulations also allowed companies to partake in misleading transactions. These transactions were perfectly legal at the mime, Just not inescapably ethical.Companies did not flip to be 100% honest when sharing earning results and comp whatever structure with sh atomic number 18holders. Arthur Anderson & Co. Was also to blame as they were the accountants for Enron. They were the ones with the expertise who should have known break down and looked to fully explain and disclose what they knew. Andersens commitment is to the shareholders, not to their client and they needed to act in a way and present the stat ements fairly so that a user could make an informed decision and that the statements presented fairly.Enron is also to blame. They were focused on profits which is not necessarily a bad thing, except for the fact that they were not forthright In how they were getting there. 5. I believe there has been a shift in regards to the concept of professionalism in relation to public accounting. After the Enron crisis, people began to second guess accountants and their work. There was fear that many other scandals and crises would occur. Because of this, the accounting profession had to be much more cautious and proactive In their approach.They have to err much more on the side of caution and pay close attention to ensure they are always acting ethically, responsibly and In the pecuniary statement users outperform Interest. This Is where SOX and other acts of Congress come Into play. It Is not to punish the canvasors, but to help them and other accountants keep their reputation and ensur e that firms are acting appropriately. It limits the engagement between and auditor and client and helps to ensure all understand the laws and expectations that are relevant to each arty.People are paying attention to auditing and audit firms now more than ever, the auditors and accountants know this and must be more diligent and professional than ever so that another scandal Like Enron does not occur. 6. I believe quarterly financial statements should be audited as a company could be deceiving shareholders for a full year prior to an auditor uncovering something. In the case of public companies, auditors are probably do some type of audit work year round so that would be rare, but Is possible.Currently auditors do not have any responsibility regarding quarter end financial statements as they are unedited and an auditor Is always only responsible for the paleness of audited statements not the statements themselves. I do not believe users of statements can make the best decision base d on unedited figures. Thing, except for the fact that they were not forthright in how they were getting there. Cautious and proactive in their approach. They have to err much more on the side of responsibly and in the financial statement users best interest.This is where SOX and other acts of Congress come into play. It is not to punish the auditors, but to than ever so that another scandal like Enron does not occur. 6. I believe quarterly financial statements should be audited as a company could be deceiving that would be rare, but is possible. Currently auditors do not have any responsibility regarding quarter end financial statements as they are unedited and an auditor is themselves. I do not believe users of statements can make the best decision based
Thursday, May 23, 2019
The AIDS Epidemic Outbreak
Who would have ever thought that a disease, possibly brought to America by infected African monkeys, would affect the country forever? This is exactly what happened in the late nineteenth century when the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) was introduced to America. The unpredictable epidemic caused a huge desecrate for years to come. The outbreak of the human immunodeficiency virus virus, AIDS, in the early 1980s resulted in medical research, public misconceptions, and ultimately growing awareness. Appearing first unless in homoerotic men, AIDS was an unfamiliar virus to the entire United States.Reports of unknown and unexplainable symptoms caused much confusion among patients and even doctors. In 1981, the first reports explained that 41 homo raiseual men in the San Fransisco area had a rare and often rapidly fatal form of cancer (Altman n. p. ). After years of researching these cases and millions of others appearing later in the decade, scientists discovered that it w as non cancer they were dealing with.They called it HIV (Human Immune Virus) which leads to AIDS (Acquired Immune deficiency Syndrome) that rogressively destroys the bodys ability to fight infections and certain cancers (ARIC n. p. ). With marginal research there was nothing to initially combat the virus scarcely, thanks to time and funding, there were some drugs that seemed to help stop the spread of the virus in ones body. These anti-retroviral drugs be quiet dont constitute as cures for the virus, but have definitely helped and play along to help patients live longer (ARIC n. p. ). Since a vaccine to evoke an immune organisation response that will prevent infection or disease development still has not been found, other treatments have been tested.Accupuncture, stress management, hypnosis, exercise, good nutrition, and an overall commanding attitude all seem to alleviate symptoms even if they are not proven cures of the virus (Packer 78-88). Although AIDS is a life threa tening disease, there were legion(predicate) people living with it by keeping healthy and staying safe. Scott Fried had not tried any of the aniviral drugs however, practices such as taking 80 herbs and vitamins a day, staying physically fit, visiting the doctor every three months, and being happy have kept him alive with the virus for thirteen years (Fried speach).Most victims have not lived as long as he which is why AIDS has lead to some extensive research. Investigators supported by private and public funds keep to search for a cure or even an explanation of HIV/AIDS for two decades because like the b lack plague, AIDS has killed sour millions of people in a short time. Also like the melanize plague did, AIDS carried with it a long string of misconceptions. In the Middle Ages anyone carrying the black plague was to be avoided. Similarly, the public would often avoid people with AIDS.There were fabrications that AIDS could be caught by another human being from sneezing, cough ing, hugging, kissing or even any casual contact so, people stayed away from those who were infected by AIDS. Another lie was that AIDS was caused by something magical or dark (Taylor 23-24). Though some were overly careful of catching the virus, others were not careful enough. Since the initial outbreak was among funny men it was simply assumed that only gay men could be affected. Then reports of IV drug users having the disease still seemed to eliminate the chance of the common person being infected.Next, hemophiliacs and people who had had blood transfusions were describe followed by blacks, Hispanics, lesbians, straight women and finally white, heterosexual, males. Still everyone said It cant happen to me, until it did (Fried speech). This assumption that AIDS only affected few amounts of people and only minorities was the basis of all misconceptions more or less that virus. People did not believe the virus could have any impact on their lives but, it did impact everyones l ives directly and or indirectly. straight off that AIDS is the second leading cause of death in the United States among people aged 25 to 44 (ARIC n. p. ), the misconceptions have been proven to be false. Although it was statistically correct that 66% of people infected by AIDS were homosexual males, 24% were IV drug users, and only 4% were heterosexual males or females (Packer 17) it was still a fact that AIDS can affect anyone. After years of research and statistical reports there were finally people relaying these messages to the public.Motivational speakers, like Scott Fried, continue to reach out to teens and adults about AIDS and sex. Information about these subjects can also be found easily, not only at hospitals or doctors offices but in books, magazines, pamphlets, and even on the internet. Conducting a simple search on http//www. yahoo. com came up with 164 category matches, 1,206 web site matches, and 237,000 web page matches. This means that HIV/AIDS appears at least 238 ,370 times on th e world wide web and it shows that AIDS in an important component of modern font life.Not only are people becoming aware of the AIDS epidemic, but they are becoming aware of sexuality through learning about AIDS. Before the outbreak of this fatal virus sex was only spoken about discretely. Now even kids are being made aware of the dangers of sex and spreading HIV. In this way HIV/AIDS had a positive affect on the country. People are aware of the facts and probably make break-dance decisions. Some experts have said that AIDS will remain the way it is now and others predict it growing into a huge epidemic (Taylor 28).Hopefully referable to this expansion of knowledge and recognition, he AIDS virus will not spread as quickly and infect as many people as it has in the past. HIV positive, homosexual, male, Scott Fried, said, Ironically one of the blessings that HIV/AIDS has brought me is the abundance of love. . . and perhaps that is true. Pertaining to the eighties a nd the early onset of the virus, AIDS caused much more waver than love. However, every cloud has a silver lining and the hysteria has finally cleared up some myths. It has opened up the public to not only HIV/AIDS awareness, but sexual cognizance as well.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
What were Apple’s competitive advantages
During the end 70s and beginning of the 80s, orchard apple trees agonistical advantages assured high profitability to the steadfast. apple II and macintosh were premium (priced) products that were very easy-to-use computers with appealing design and technical elegance. Despite the slow processor speed and the lack of compatible software, the combination of superior software and peripherals, grown unmatched capabilities in desktop publishing, allowed apple to reach 8% of the world market and more than 50% of the education market in the US by the mid 80s.Also one other circumstanceor important for the high success of Apple in its early days is the fact that the operating system (OS) was a closed system, beingness therefore very difficult to clone. After several(prenominal) ups and downs during the 90s decade, the strategy of Apple go on to base on differentiation. They offer high-quality, an exceptional design, the ease of use of their products, security, high-quality bundled software and in-store personalized service. At the alike(p) time, the incorporation of some standard interfaces (like USB ports) made Apple computers less closed systems, allowing the Mac customer to use non Mac peripherals with his OS.In terms of technical features, the total Mac sales increased about 40% from 2006 to 2007 thanks to Intels dual- center technology for Apples laptops. This specification allowed Apple to build laptops that were faster and less-power consuming, and at the same time could also easily depict Windows and other third-party OS. One of the main problems of Apple, the lack of Macintosh software, was now solved. As it was mentioned above, one of Apples recent competitive advantages is the in-store personalized service.This, of course, is directly link to the introduction of stores, important not only because those stores are sales locations, but also because it allows Apple to control the image of the brand and provide an excellent customer service. The su ccess of Apple stores is also due to the halo effect of iPod and iPhone that attracted many people to the stores. The iTunes Music and App online store, together with the iPod and iPhone products, are also one of the main reasons for the change magnitude of sales of Mac computers. Analyze the dynamics of the PC industry. Are these dynamics favorable or problematic for Apple?In our days computers are in most people everyday life and business and therefore computers are becoming even more a commoditized product. It is estimated that 1 billion of PCs are in use around the world The PC industry has its origins in the mid-70s and it was dominated by IBM during its first gear decade of existence. By the early 90s Wintels (Windows OS with Intel processors) replaced IBM computers as the industry standard. The market in those years already suffered some (fast) changes, as there were thousands of manufacturers (HP, Dell, Acer, Apple, and clone makers) building computers.In terms of buyers, also some several changes were observed the US was no longer the main customer of this industry. The main share of the average 15% growth of PCs goes to the emerging markets, to countries like India and China. At the same time, revenue growth didnt grow, mainly due to the decreasing of prices of these products. The main suppliers in this industry are the component manufacturers, the OS software programmers and the screening software developers. In what component manufacturers is concerned, the industry is dominated by two players, Intel and AMD, to produce microprocessors.These microprocessors are totally different in terms requirements and motherboard design, so if a PC manufacturer would think on changing the microprocessors of its products, it would also have to support high switching costs. The OS software programmers are resumed to one player, Microsoft Windows (about 90% of world computers run through Window platform). The Application software developers are mainly ISVs, or I ndependent Software Vendors. In what buyers are concerned, we can break open them into 5 categories home, small and medium business, corporate, education and government.In the past years we have been assisting to several changes the home segment is nowadays the most important of the segments (42% of computers were acquired by this segment in 2007), followed by the business customers. In order to respond to the many needs of these customers, PC manufacturers react offering broad products. At the same time, it also must be interpreted into retainer that these segments meet different requirements when acquiring a PC the home segment is very price warm and has recently started to value the product design, the mobility and wireless capability.The business customer makes his decision based on a combination of price an service. In terms of barriers of bran-new entries, brands like Dell, Apple or HP are brand recognized and in a general way their clients are loyal to them, creating there fore difficulties for a potential new player in this market. Also the fact that most of these companies have good kins with OEM allows them to benefit from economies of scale. The threat of substitution is high. Taking in consideration that the home buyer is the best client, there are several products that might be an secondary to computers, in particular laptops.PDAs, smartphones, or granulose consoles allow the consumer to run video, watch DVDs, play games, or even surf the web. In terms of competitive rivalry, the market is dominated by 4 players, Dell, HP, Acer and Lenovo. Together, these companies are responsible for more than 50% PC shipments (2007 data). In a general way, these companies are adopting a strategy of improving design, R&D spending, and aggressive consumer marketing. According to this industry analysis, Apples position in the market might be of some concern.One of the good and positive aspects of Apples strategy is the launching of complementary products to th e Macs, like the Apple TV or home data centers. The strategy of differentiation and innovation has to continue to be adopted, as well as to build exclusive agreements and partnerships and OEM. Has Steve Jobs finally solved Apples long-standing problems with admiration to the Macintosh business? In 1997, when Steve Jobs became the CEO of Apple, the firm was going through some problems with the Mac business.These problems werent solved with Spindler and Amelio strategies, which were mainly the cost reduction (cutting of 16% Apple workforce and reducing R&D spending), and several deep payroll cuts. Apple was already incurring in several losses and something had to be done Steve Jobs started to restructure the company partnerships with Microsoft, development of core products such as Microsoft Office, end of licensing agreements (to avoid cannibalization of Apples computers), consolidation of the product range, outsourcing, changing of distribution system, and promoting the brand as a h ip alternative to other brands.But one of the most important changes was during 2006, four years after the launch of Mac OS X, when Apples computers also started to be equipped with Intel technology, allowing not only to reduce the technical specifications gaps between Macs and Wintel computers (Mac were slower in speed and more energy consuming) but also to use third-party applications (until then, Apple had to produce their own software because of its small market share). These measures, together with the synergies of iPod, iTunes and iPhone are responsible for the 33% increasing of Total Macintosh sales from 2006 to 2007.However, Apple smooth remains in the 2-3% range worldwide PC market. As its products are premium priced, I think that some measures might have to be taken in consideration, such as to continue developing and improving the brand image in order to continue practicing premium prices in its products, to correct relationship with 3rd parties (for example, with music labels for iTunes, with NBC for the Apple TV or with 3rd party software developers) or to continue producing complementary products to Macs. The iPod-iTunes business has been a spectacular success. Has Jobs put together a new formula to create a sustainable competitive advantage for Apple?In fact, the iPod and iTunes and their synergies with Apples computers are one of the reveal drivers for the success of Apple. The launch of the iPod in 2001 and specially the introduction of iPod for Windows in 2002 simply boosted Apples sales. In 2003 the sales of iPods more than doubled in respect to the previous year. Its design, the easy to use system, its high margins (thanks to the use of flash memories instead of hard disks) and its reasonable selling price are some of the factors responsible for being such a hit. But it is in this very same year that the iTunes system is born.This online service is the main factor for iPods success (in 2004, after the first year of iTunes launch, iPods sales almost increased 300% as of 2003 in 2007 the iPod accounts for 35% of Apples total revenue). This reveals the synergy between iPod and iTunes (and also iPhone). This competitive advantage is not difficult to maintain as Apple has in fact the best product in the market, in terms of hardware and an economic easy to use online store. The only problem that might exist is in terms of relationships with the music companies. In order to maintain the market size, Apple has to improve on this subject.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Mba Second Semester Curriculum
MBA(EXEECUTIVE/RETAIL) II SEMESTER BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT ASSIGNMENT-I 1 Discuss how does the environment acts as a stimulant to clientele. Analyse why business often does little for physical environment preservation despite the fact that it is significant for business activity. 2. Analyse the Monetary and Fiscal Policies practiced in India in recent courses. How far shall they be effective in curtailing the recent spurt in inflation? 3. How far does Indian corporate discharge its favorable responsibilities?Illustrate your answer with suitable examples 4. Do you think that the present economic environment is favourable to business? Discuss and give your suggestions. Describe the various components of outside(a) environment that influence the business policy of an organization. 5. Explain the industrial policy of Indian government and removes that happened from 1980 till date. Why is year 1991 a watershed year in the economic history of india? ist and explain in detail what changes and reforms have taken place since 1991. ASSIGNMENT-II 6. The Chief Executive of Samsung Electronics recently told its employees that, We must begin anew. about of Samsungs flagship businesses and products will become obsolete within ten years. This corporate strategy of reinvention would inevitably involve significant change for employees. Do you think that engineering transfer is likely to be the biggest problem for a business that wants to reinvent itself?Justify your answer with reference to Samsung Electronics and/or other organisations that you know. 7. Mr. Subhash, an NRI of your locality seeks advice to invest his specie by starting an IT based industry. Give suggestions to him regarding the investment friendly climate in Madhya Pradesh, in the light of new industrial policy of the State Government. 8. How does the change in profile of customers affect your business environment? 9.Elucidate the external environment of business and its components in the context of a compa ny in the retail sector. nominate some elements of external environment you would want to scan to improve profits of a retailing business you may own in future? 10. How more dimensions of business environment are changing for the banking industry. What measure does the central bank take to control inflation? Explain the impact of this change on business environment. ************
Monday, May 20, 2019
Translation of Narendranath Mitra’s Short Story
HEROINE Director Animesh Chaudhury came to Chitpur to mug a contract with Malati M anyik. He got an excellent opportunity to make his have film. Earlier Animesh was an assistant managing conductor. The producer, Boikuntha Poddar was a miser per news. He gave wholly eighty-five thousands and de musical compositionded for a in effect(p) moving-picture battle array. It was a challenge for Animesh. He had to face this, as he was a new filmmaker. However, he knew that he has to spend near of about one lakh. He needed to work hard to keep ahead. He did almost all the works by his induce presence. From the initial stage he ran here and at that place, he gave hard condemnation in almost all(prenominal) part of the work.Malati was non so famous in acting, yet she had to good turn a minor character. The usance was short that was the reason she was presumption that role. She had to play the role of a wife of a worthless husband, a mformer(a) of a hungry boy etc. only when, Anim esh did non get Malati, even later the even at her home. The servant Khantamoni give tongue to, She has gone outside with Babu*. Should I presuppose something to her? Animesh gave a name mentality to her with pale face. That whole evening was spoilt. Vinoy Chakroborty, lived at Joy Mitra Street, was an old friend of Animesh.Animesh used to visit his offer frequently. His wife Labonno, offered him tea, coffee, including other delicious feed. Animesh also gave them tickets of some new videos. He did non go there for a long time, as he was quite busy with his new direction and after go from Malatis house, he decided to go there to make himself free from these burdens for the moment. At least he would enjoy their company. He entered in a narrow gali*, where Vinoy lived in an old broken house. He was miserable he did non get any good job though he bore a good qualification.Animesh enjoyed their company, as they were very simple. He could feel a simple generous affection from them, which he did non get from that miserable city. Some loud arguments were going on inside the house. It was stopped by the sounds of knock at the door. Vinoy came, Who is it? Animesh called him by his name then Vinoy could recognize him. He opened the door and asked him to come down in. however Animesh did not get that warm welcome which he usually got. He entered in the room. by and by entering into the room, he found nothing organized. Everything was misplaced.The shirt was tasting the dust on the floor, some paddy corn made the floor golden, the broken mirror on the floor was reflecting lights here and there etc. Labonno was silent and hapless. Animesh got everything from the situation. A few minutes back the tornedo of anger came and ruined the decoration of the room. Vinod gave a kitty to sit. Animesh said, I think I have distur strike out you. It was in climax, I can guess all these from the unorganized situation of the room. Vinoy offered cig arette, both of the m lit the cigarette. I am fed up with my life. I was not aware of such problematic situations of family life.Feature Article The Plane of the Sleeping Beauty AnalysisWhich couple does not have sons or daughter? Whose son or daughter dose not suffers from sickness? A fetch always does his best. I also did, barely I have limitation,- Vinoy said with a sad voice. Labonno was silent precisely lis cardinaling to the words she shouted, My son would have died due to typhoid. None panorama that he will be alive. She pulled that little boy originally Animesh and said in sad tone, Look at my little son. Does he cipher pull off a normal boy? He can not walk properly, even he does not get proper energy in his left hand leg. I went to doctor, he advised to fed him well.If he is feed well he will be retrieve soon. That is wherefore I asked him to bring Oval tine. But I did not know that a father can behave want this with an unfortunate sons develop. At the meantime, the boy starte d crying. Perhaps he felt pain in his leg. Labonno took him in her lap and said, My sona* Do not cry Your uncle will censure you. Do you know your uncle is a good photographer. He will take your photos. Animesh, you have to take a good photo of my Bintu. Labonno smiled. That unexpected smile attracted Animesh. She was fair, tall and possessed a sharp nose.She bore a different kind of good-naturedness in her face. She was nearly twenty- quartet. Moreover, her body was much to a greater extent attractive than her face. exiguity could not loot her attractive beauty. Animesh was gazing at her and by observing this Labonno lowered her face and asked, You have all forgotten us. wherefore not, after all you have become a busy director. Nothing corresponding that baudi*-He answered with a smile. It is not fare Vinoy. You should take carefulness of Bintu. Why did not you bring Oval tine for him? -He asked Vinoy. Why did not you bring It was not only Oval tine exclusively the other c ommodities also.You know, it is the last week of this month. I get only seventy rupees per month. I am not careless father only I can not. - Vinoy answered with tempted voice. Few seconds everything was silence but suddenly Vinoy strangely laughed and said, If she wish more to take care of her son, she could have got son from a rich man, not from a clerk. Listen to his vulgar words-Labonno said. Animesh snubbed at him, Do not speak rubbish Where did you learn such vulgar words? Vinoy remained silent. Animesh was visualizeing at him with compassion. He was not more than thirty but he was looking like a man of forty. Have you managed any part time job? -Animesh curiously asked. The answer came in negative. Labonno took out 2 cups, sugar and tealeaves from the selves and went out through the back door. The little boy hobbled towards the mother. Vinoy calmly said, You have become director now, if you can give me any short role. Animesh laughed at him and said, You want a role You c an not even speak properly before any unknown person and you want to act. Then I have to give you the role of a dead soldier. Animesh looked at him after his mockery and said, How will you complete the slain?A dead is always dead in authorized life and reel life. Labonno entered with a cup of tea and said, Now I think he is quarreling with you. He has become so grumbled in these old age that he can not think anything but quarreling. Taking the cup from Labonno, Animesh answered, Actually he wants to act on screen. He would not be able to perform so but if you try, you can. I am sure about it. Do you wish baudi? Labonno laughed and said, Is it so? Then definitely I wish, after all you are the doirector. I am not joking. I am serious Vinoy. If you agree then I can give a short role to her. -Animesh. Animesh explained everything regarding the need of that character. Vinoy was laughing. What was wrong with that? In those days za intellectualar* women are also showing their intere st in this profession. It was a very short role. Labonno had to be given a perfect role a role of a diseased son. They had to give only four or five shots. She did not even have to speak more. She had to meet with husband only once. near of the scene would be with an old doctor. Bintu would also act before camera. She would be paid more than third hundred rupees for that short scene. Three hundredLabonno could not speak for a long time but Vinoy and Labonno were staring at each other. She could devote all the dues which she took earlier for Bintus treatment, she could subvert healthy food for him, new cloths she would give him also, she would open a bank account for her only son with twenty-five rupees. Labonno would buy new cloths for Vinoy to make him happy. At last, if Vinoy gave permission she would buy a new saree* for her. Although she knew, that Vinoy would buy a new saree for her. You are joking. - Labonno said. Animesh answered, I am serious baudi if you agree I can man age. sooner leaving the house, he again requested Vinoy to think over it. Vinoy had to take concrete decision before teno clock in the morning otherwise, Animesh would sign a contract with another person. He had already finished half of the movie and rest of it should be finished within forty-five days. He could not delay more. Labonno had agreed. -Vonoy brought the news in the early morning but he requested Animesh to reposition her name. Is it your wish or her? If she becomes famous then you have to regret for it,Animesh said with a smile. Malati had come to the studio apartment at the middle of the day. She was in a higher place thirty.She worn a multi coloured saree, her lips were filled with pink colour, and tried to queer the black shed under the eyes with powder. You are late young woman Mallik. I have gestural the contract with the other person, Animesh surprisingly said. Malati also shockingly shouted, What You said me to come before twelve. Pleaselook at your abide. She showed her wristwatch to Animesh. I have appointed a new person today in the morning, I was in a hurry. I have to start shooting from tomorrow morning. Apart from this, I think you are not perfect for this role of a mother Miss Mallik, Animesh calmly clarifies the things.But Malati tempted and shouted, A photographer became a director that is why he is not aware of acting talent. Do not forget your position. I have walked over such irresponsible director throughout my life. One draw does not make a summer, mind it Animesh. Malati left the studio and then it seemed that a village got accompaniment from the storm. Vinoy once came to studio with wife and son to show them how things happen. All were very curious about it. thither was only one day in between, no time for rehearsal. Bintu was a golden discovered, as the director needed a diseased boy. Fortunately, he got it in real.Next day Animesh brought his friend, friends wife and son by his own car. Suddenly the director came across with Malati Mallik at the doorsteps of the studio. Animesh asked her the reason behind her sudden appearance in the studio, in a calm voice. I have come to meet your new star, Malati avariciously looked at Labonno and said. Malati left the place after taunting him. Labonno asked Animesh, Who was this lady? Why was she staring at me like that? She is not an ordinary lady. She could take your position but I rest of it he did not express. Animesh had explained everything to producer.If Labonno could play the role then the producer had to pay less money and apart from this it would also be dependable for promo of the movie, after all a daughter-in-law from respectable family would act on screen with her own son. Laxmi* has appeared in my studio. How sweet her face is Take her to the refreshment room,The producer Boikunthababoo* warmly welcomed her. The shot was ready. A lowered middle social class family with a diseased son, he diseased son was lying on the old and dirty b ed on the floor. Irresponsible father was somewhere enjoying with his friends. The doctor would not start his treatment if he was not paid.Nobody would be there to call the doctor. The mother had to come to son and she had to go to the window to look for someone. She had only sect in her two wrists. There was necklace in sons neck. He was crying that was why the mother gave him to wear. Would she remove that necklace from that sleepy sick son? Yes She had to. She stole golden necklace from sona came out from the home at stormy night to call the doctor. All these were the firstborn days take. Aimesh made her understand repeatedly. But Labonno could not. Her face reflected wonder but the shot needed extreme sorrow.She was feeling shy as the other person present in the studio was staring at the new actress. At last, Animesh said with irritation, Where is the time to be shy? Your son is suffering from disease. Go and sit beside him. Repeatedly Animesh made her to understand but repeat edly she failed to do that. She could not perform the shot. A strange fear gripped her. She even could not look anybody, not even her diseased son. Animesh took her to the rest room and said, You could not baudi. Labonno lowered her face in repentance. Malati was academic term just beside the producer. She was laughing loudly to see the situation.The producer requested her to act that particular scene. She could not refuse the producers request, however she demanded thousand rupees for that particular scene. She came back from the makeup room in ten minutes. She harshly asked Animesh, Where is your boy Mr. Director? There was no boy in the studio except Vinoys son. He agreed for benevolence. Is this your boy? What can I expect from a clumsy director like you? How can I be his mother? I would not even touch that boy, Miss Malati said in a high-pitched nasal voice. However, Malati acted that scene very well. Bintu started to cry but she managed it by well-favored him toys and pai sa.Then she started to take care of that diseased boy. Her acting impressed everyone. She did better than Animeshs direction. Dont mind Mr. Director, after all I am his present mother. I know better than you that how to take care of a son,Malati said with a light smile. She beautifully acted that necklace scene How can I steal this from my own son? Then she started sobering. Boikuntha also became compassioned to see this scene. That scene would be the best possible wealth of that movie. Everyone had accredited that. Where is my check? , Malati spread her hands towards the producer.Animesh happily congratulated, I am really satisfied with your acting Miss Malati. How could you act such scene so realistically? All this was because of jealousy Mr. Director. Hope you got to know that who is real mother and who is step, She said looking at Labonno and left that place. Animesh wanted to leave them at their house but both Vinoy and Labonno disagreed by nodding their heads. Animesh inser ted ten rupee note into Bintus pocket but Labonno did not take that and said his son, Pronam* your uncle and return that note little sweet heart*. That is worthless for you. Uncle would give you coffee tree later on. I am sorry baudi. Why should you sorry Animesh? Labonno calmly said and left that studio. That movie ran well for four weeks after the release. It meant Animesh was successful in his first attempt. Everyone had congratulated him but only Vinoy did not come. Animesh design that they were bashful for the last time that was why he came to friends house with two tickets. health was degraded, clothes were more dirty and old, the room was emptier, and some of the furniture were missing in that room. However, Vinoy happily welcomed, delightful Mr. Director. I thought you have forgotten us. I came to know you have earned fame in that movie a lot, Labonno happily said. How can you taste the sweetness of the sweet from other experience? Take your tickets, watch that, and s ay whatever you want to say. You can criticize also, Giving the tickets Animesh said. Now his eyes on that unsanded diseased boy, he has become sicker. He was not fully recovered baudi? Again any disease He could not finish his talk, somebody knocked at the door and a heavy voice was approach in. Vinoy looked at his wife and whispered, Shit Shit Who? Animesh asked. Vinoy again whispered, House owner, Govinda Pramanik.He has come for the rent. I do not have the money. This month I did not get the full salary. They have cut as I took some earlier. Then he said to Labonno to said that he was not in the house. Labonno once looked at Animesh. Vinoy said, Dont be shy before him. He is my childhood friend. Why should he confide you? He has listened to your voice, Labonno said calmly. Vinoy fully covered his body with a gown, laid on the bed, and said, Say him that I am seriously ill. Labonno went out to face that man. An old man entered into the house with Labonno. He would be more than fifty, healthy, and had gray hair. What happened to you, Vinoybabu? Fever? The old man asked. Labonno said, No uncle He does not care normal disease. But he has vomited twenty five times from the last night. Govinda babu stepped back and said in wonder, cardinal times? What are you saying? Animesh could recognize the effect and a kind of real reflection was locomote over Labonnos face for her husbands ill situation. Govinda babu said in tense, It is a very bad time. You have to take care of him properly bauma*. No relatives are here, crisis of money and above all this problem. He is the only person who earns in the family.I could not find any way that is why I called my uncle. Hope you have heard the name of doctor Madhu. Even he at first got nervous to see him. Labonno expressed all these with a broken voice. She uncovered Vinoys face, called him, and gave the news of Govinda babus arrival. NoNobauma. Do not disturb him. Let him take rest. I thought I would say him abo ut the fare as it is already second month. I should not say today. I sent Binod but he did not get Vinoy. Govinda babu sadly said. Labonno replied that Vinoy himself would go to him and would pay his fare after his recovering. She also requested not to send Binod.He was schoolchild and he should not unwarranted time. Labonno suddenly said Animesh, You know Animesh, Binod is a very good boy. He is calm and quite. Moreover he is an honest boy Animesh stammered, Yeeessss. That is right. At the time pointing the finger at Animesh, Labonno said, He is a great director, Animesh. Vinoys childhood friend. He has come to meet with Vinoy after getting the news of his serious illness. After sometimes Govinda babu got up and said, I have to leave today but if you please say him unquestionably uncle, when he will be recovered, first of all I will send him to you.Please sit for a moment, let me bring a cup of tea for you, Labonno said with a smile. But Govinda babu disagreed and left the hous e. Leaving the gown on the bed Vinoy got up and said Animesh that he was also a good director. Animesh was silent for a long time but now he made himself easy and said, Yes, that is straightforward but more credit goes to baudi. She does not need any director. Looking at Labonno he said, You are in no portion less than Malati Mallik. Why did you scare that day? Malati also would have terrified in my place Animesh. She could not maintain all the things as I maintained.She is the actress of reel life but I am the heroine of real life. The natural tear came to witness the real situation of real heroines life. I do not know who was greater but I can say that for Malati it was a mere profession but to Labonno it was for survival. *** *Babu- A respectable person. *Gali- A narrow path. *Sona- A call from the mother to express affection. *Baudi- Sister-in-law. *Zamindar- Rich and royal. *Saree- A cloth worn by women in India. *Pronam- A sign to show the respect to the elders in Hinduism . *Bauma- A affectionate call for daughter-in-law. - By, Eeshan Ali
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Comic Strip Lesson Plan Essay
In this lesson the students stick out discuss memories in front of the ground level that they be intimate remembering along with their speech they give present their interpretation of the memory through art. It give alike help with their public speaking skills.Objectives* I want the students to learn how to give a of a sudden manifestation in front of the class path.Materials and Technologies (Teacher and student) Teacher notes for lessons. Students provide need risible strip sheets, glossiness pencils, crayons, and markers.Preparation of the room I will put the needed comic strip paper on each students desk. If the students pose any of their get crayon, color pencils, or markers they will have them on their desk. All of the classroom crayon, color pencils, or markers on a small table in front center of the classroom, along with purposeless comic strip paper.Artist (s) Roy Lichtenstein comic strip type art Maya Lin demonstration of longstanding memories in art work.Artm aking medium color pencils, crayons, and markers. (Not all must be used on project if not desired by student.)Instruction (Activities and Procedures) Be very specificOpening Today we will be discussing memories that are special to each of us. We will also be presenting our memories to the class through a short speech, and a comic strip drawing.Attention Grabber (Anticipatory set) For an attention grabber I as the teacher would present my own comic strip, and present a fond memory of my own. This memory would be one that is possibly viscid or funny so I could loosen the class up about presenting their own memories. criticize into prior knowledge I can ask if any of them have ever had to speak in front of a crowd. How did they feel? Did they enjoy? Or if they didnt, why?Introduction of artist For Roy Lichtenstein I will tell about his part in Pop Art. I will show them Masterpiece It shows how the comic strips were drawn, and they should resemble there own. I will also show Maya Lin, and her Vietnam Memorial. This shows how the memory of someone or an resultant is not forgotten if there is art to remember it with.Art making activity The student will have a 4-6 panels strips of paper. On the strip they will draw there recollection of a limited memory. They will do this with color pencils, crayons, and markers. If less or more panels are needed the adductions will be made. Closure We will end the lesson with each student presenting their comic with a short presentation.Interdisciplinary connections This lesson will connect with writing/spelling, because the student will have to have some dialogue/description on the comic. It will also connect with reading, because they will have to read the comic in front of the class as part of their presentation.Accommodating individual differences To meet the needs of all students, I will get to sure that all needed materials are readily available and easily assessable.Feedback How and what manner will you provide feedback to students. I will give feedback on a comment sheet. On this sheet I will give marks for the students spelling on comic strip, the presentation, and on the drawing themselves.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Masks and Disguise Essay
In William Goldings novel Lord of the Flies and Shakespe ars play Romeo and Juliet masquerade costumes and disguises are use to serve different purposes.Both texts use burys and disguise to allow characters to be take hold in ways that they ordinarily would not or could not. For example, in Lord of the Flies, the boys go from being civilised to becoming savage. This is evident when it rates the mask was a thing on its own, behind which Jack hid, liberated from shame and self consciousness. The event that the mask is a thing on its own shows that the boys, Jack in particular, feel as if they are not responsible for their actions because of the mask. This is supported by the quote The mask compelled them. It excessively suggests that the boys have wrench altogether different people after wearing the mask.The word hid suggests that the boys are also nurtureed from the repercussions of their violent actions because the mask creates anonymity. At the masquerade ball in Romeo and Juliet, people are able to speak openly to apiece other as their true identities are hidden beneath their masks. This is evident when Capulet says I have seen the say/ That I have worn a visor, and could tell/ A verbalise tale in a fair ladys ear. This shows that Capulet was able to charm a lady with his stories with the aid of his mask.The word whispering suggests that Capulets action was something that had to be done with secrecy and that the mask allowed him to speak openly with the fair lady. Romeo, hidden beneath his mask, is also able to charm Juliet. This is shown when Juliet says My only neck sprung from my only hate / excessively early seen unknown, and known too late The word unknown reinforces the fact that people are unknown beneath masks and are able to do things they usually wouldnt. It also shows that Juliet fell in love with Romeo because she did not know his true identity. Also, if Romeo did not wear a mask, he would not have been able to fall in Juliet, so t he plot would not be able to move forward to reveal their death-markd love.During the time in which Romeo and Juliet is set, people often had masked parties as cultural occasions or for celebrations, the nuptial of Luciento and then we masked. However, in Lord of the Files, masks are used to represent the removal of culture and the dehumanisation of the boys. This is shown in the quote The forest near them burst into uproar. Demoniac figures rushed out howling exacting natural This shocks the reader as the boys go from completely civilised children to savages.The word uproar makes it sound as if there is chaos on the island. The word demoniac shows that Jack and the boys have become the embodiment of evil, opposed their former selves. The word howling makes the boys sound more like animals than humans. It may also suggest that the boys have freed their inner beasts and that wearing a mask makes it easier for their inner beasts to come out.The fact that they are stark naked shows that they are not civilised anymore and have become less British. The boys are also hidden behind masks when they brutally kill Simon and behave like savages. The masks used during Simons death protect the boys from punishment as their identities are hidden so no-one can be held accountable. This makes the reader feel lift because Simon gets no justice. Golding may have included this to show that all humans have the potential to become uncivilised and evil, and to show that civility is what contains a persons inner beast.
Friday, May 17, 2019
She clearly writes a second hand account of the B Renville womens maniac and unfortunate plan with her later repercussions. Prompting the s Tory ,this was still the only thing talked about in Paris, this story tells the tale of a womans purr e desires and her extreme measures of poisoning her husband. Madame De S views sets up her blabs thinking towards the account by victimisation her elevated Dalton.Thus showing her tone an d the execution of the plot. Throughout Madames letter, she Is able to narrate her purpose spectacular her ideas. And use organizational tools to aid her overall sympathy for the e Berliners woman. Although Sevens is render an event, she seamlessly connects her supporting data of her opinions towards the Berliner woman. She starts off noting the womens initial t Houghton and plans for her situation. As she depicts her crime, she leaves no room for the reader to determine his woman as a good citizen.Seventeens short summary of the account forces the dual o nce to assumption her opinion and agree with her by the end coming to the conclusion that this w Oman receives no redemption. And, it may be supposed, that we now inhale what re chief(prenominal)s of her. Finally, by using her repetitive strategies, she is able to successfully sway the reader towards what she wants them to believe. Helping Madame De Givings is her elevated diction. This allowing her create an elite opinion as well as persuading her readers.She creates a dramatic tone almost more than the average author to depict the seventy of both her crime and her execution. She leads t he reader suck her with horror. She is able to utilize a simple summary nevertheless integrate words like shudder inning and horror to emphasize the importance of the story. Madame has the advantage in her I otter to help depict her version of the story yet still remain true to the main idea. Lastly her organizational tools aid her success of both stating her opinion and narrate Eng her story.S he starts out with her impacting one sided publicize intriguing the audience e to read her letter at a glance. She creates a steady go down of events streamlined with detailed word choice and extreme opinions. Closing out her letter, she solidifies her views. The Berliners whom an to Madame De Givings is nothing but a murderous wench remaining completely of ids approval through the entirety of the essay. She is very clever in her organizational set up to Cree ate an easily attainable one sided agreement.And lastly, her clever closing remarks, It is to e hoped that we shall not inhale her murderous instincts also, complete her overall purpose of the letter. Overall, Madame De Givings provides various examples throughout her letter using writing tools and strategies. She depicts her purpose through her diction and drama zing the horrors of the Berliners woman. Her strategic organization shifts this monotonous e vent into a story of her own. Even though she takes a more Juvenile appr oach towards her though TTS , she uses elite strategies to make her purpose apparent.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Amateurism in Ncaa Football
Paranny Aril Crawford Sandin English 101 13 October 2012 Amateurism In NCAA Football The topic Collegiate athletic Association is corrupted with sneakiness, unjustness and greediness, particularly in division one colleges. In North America, sports animate a huge role, especially sports like football game, hockey, hoops and baseball. Sometimes this causes us to extend vanished of fairness, like be the players being treated right? A great practice session of injustice in sports is amateurism of football players in division one colleges.Division one and division two athletes must obtain amateurism, which is playacting the sport as a hobby rather than for the notes, many would define amateurism as worthy just now it is really tainted and monopolized Should NCAA athletes get paid? Numerous of people would easily answer no because college athletes are on scholarships and various athletic departments loses money even with a winning record. Also college athletes accept advantages with detached tuition, books, living expenses, food, clothing and health.Although all of these features appear wonderful but there are more cons than pros of amateurism. For example the NCAA is a business that are making money out of these athletes basically for free and yes they do stimulate tuition but that does not compare to the large amount of money the NCAA is making out of them. gibe the Stanford Review, college athletic is a multimillion-dollar industry with recruiting the best of the best in the nation. So wherefore not counterbalance the best of the best, if they put in all this hard work, then they should be rewarded.Instead the internal Colligate Athletic Association is a monopoly because of its limitation of scholarships and other payments to boost its college sports program. Also not all of the athletes attain scholarships. College football players put in more work on the field than they do in the classrooms. For example when in moderate they have five-hour pr actices and that doesnt include lifting for an hour and this is from Tuesday to Friday with game day on Saturday. After the season is oer then they begin spring all which is just only practices and plus they dont have a summer break because they have to stay for summer ball. We consider college athletes as educatee athletes but that is such an oxymoron because in realty their sport does come before their schoolwork. When playing in a big division one school, most athletes believe to make it in the big leagues but deplorably only about 2% makes it. Colleges should stress more on education for so call schoolchild athletes but they dont because of the athletes popularity and how the NCAA is making money out of them regardless if they have a future afterward or not.Its horrible how the NCAA contract includes that when an athlete commits and decides to transfer to play for another school then they have to sit out a year. This rule is so unfair because coaches dont have to do that. The NCAA is the biggest monopoly in America according to Bloomberg Businessweek Magazine. When selling college souvenirs and jerseys, videogames, etc and the athlete does not make any money from that, even if they are the main reason for those sales. It is amazing that most players receive a free education but does not compare to what the NCAA is making off of them.The players should receive a cut of these profits or gain a portion of this money after graduation so it can help them financially with their futures. Sadly the NCAA is too considerate of themselves and if an athlete is injure or not performing well then they have no problem wiping their name off the record books. The National Collegiate Athletic Association is a business that makes tons of money from college athletes. Another reason why the NCAA doesnt pay their athletes is because they will be tax and they can lose a lot of money from that.Well, professional sports obviously pay their athletes and they are tax too but the professional leagues are doing well. College basketball and college football are highly talked about and televised just like the professional sports so it shouldnt be a problem if college athletes get paid. With amateurism in college sports, athletic programs cheat. They secretly cheat by illegally over paying top players or handing them out free stuff. For instance Cam Newton who was an All-American quarterback playing for chromatic and Mississippi before was secretly offered 120,000 to 18,000 from Mississippi State.Playing in top division one colleges, winning isnt everything, its the only thing and if athletic programs will cheat to have the best recruits and this is no surprise. If amateurism didnt exist, there wouldnt be any cheating scandals and every player will treated as from their performance. Brown, Noah. The NCAA Monopoly The Toonari Post News, Powered by the People
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
The Worlds Biggest Criminal (Osama bin Laden) Essay
The Worlds Biggest Criminal (Osama put in Laden) - Essay ExampleThe reason why Osama bin Laden was hailed as an international criminal and terrorist was because he had been involved in setting up the banned outfits Al-Qaeda and the attached wing Taliban. What these groups brought to the fore was massive killing of people all around the globe (Searcey 2011). Their number one priority was to make sure that the so-called Muslim preaching was made operative yet they conducted their own attacks, all in the name of the religion of Islam. Osama bin Laden, along with his close support was able to gather a great amount of hate all over the world for these activities. I am of the view that once Osama bin Laden was caught, he should not have been killed since he was unarmed. As he has slaughtered thousands of people worldwide, it would have been better had he been captured alive. If this was done, the number one criminal would have been taken to the United States where criminal proceedings shall have been held. But this was not to be, and Osama bin Laden was killed which essentially unsympathetic the chapter once and for all. Since he was required by the US government dead or alive, the US naval forces SEALs only found it appropriate to kill him and then take his body forward. I do not think this served the purpose since his death did not teach people a lesson as his capturing alive would have. His judgment of conviction would have sent a totally unique message to all the criminals and terrorists all over the globe.
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 11
Finance - Essay ExampleA business could not fall in and operate without workings slap-up finance. Another purpose of working capital is addressing seasonal or alternate(prenominal) financing take. Here, working capital finance supports the build-up of short-term assets needed to generate revenue, but which come beforehand the receipt of capital. Adequate and appropriate working capital financing ensures that a firm has sufficient cash flow to pay its bills as it awaits the full collection of revenue. When working capital is not sufficiently or appropriately financed, a firm can run out of cash and face bankruptcy. Working capital is also needed to sustain a firms growth. As a business grows, it needs larger investments in inventory, accounts receivable, personnel, and other items to realize increased sales. Lastly, working capital is used to undertake activities to cleanse business operations and re main competitive, such as product development, ongoing product and process im provements, and cultivating freshly markets.The components of working capital usually comprise all the components of Current Assets (Petroff, June 1, 2001). However, that is not always so in the nature of the working capital cycle. Some modifications to working capital may involve the exclusion of rough components of current assets. The diagram below illustrates a simple working capital cycle of an organization.There atomic number 18 two elements in the business cycle that absorb cash - Inventory (stocks and work-in-progress) and Receivables (debtors owing money to the organization). The main sources of cash are Payables (your creditors) and Equity and Loans. Each component of working capital (namely inventory, receivables and payables) has two dimensions (1) Time and (2) Money. When it comes to managing working capital, time is as valuable as money. If an organization can get money to move express around the cycle (e.g. collect monies due from debtors more quickly) or reduce th e amount of money tied(p) up (e.g.
Monday, May 13, 2019
MODULE 4 DISCUSSION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
MODULE 4 countersign - Essay ExampleActual temperature mments that have been taken have shown consistency in both uncouth and urban areas. In this case, the temperature taken in weather station has also shown some consistency with those taken by satellites and other natural thermometers. As such, therefore, the myth that the global warming is only experienced in urban areas has been disapproved by science, Bryant (2009).It is important to note that 97% of scientists, researchers and climate expert are in pledge that human actions and inactions are causing the global warming. As such, it remains misinformation that scientists have not build consensus on various aspects that cause global warming. In this case, it is evident that different researches have back up the phenomenon, Bryant (2009).It is evident that in force(p) like other peak the Antarctica is losing its ice. There has been information that the Antarctica is gaining ice. However, evidence collected by satellite indic ates that the measure of ice is decreasing at a accelerating rate. Again, information that the temperature measured is inconsistent. On the contrary, various researches have supported the measurement taken via satellites and natural thermometers. Though there is a myth that it has never warmed since 1998, it has been shown that 2010 was the hottest year. In addition, 2005 had the same hotness as
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Water and sustainability Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Water and sustainability - Essay Exampleconomy and population over the past decades has brought grand cost to the nations environmental sustainability (Liu, Jianguo, and Wu Yang 650). Although both China and the ground forces are economically developed, the concurrent effects of the industrialization, agricultural growth, and urbanization coupled with the declining ground and surface water quantity are slightly of the crucial problems facing water sustainability in China. This paper therefore, explores the comparison of water sustainability between China and USA while taking keen interest on the problems of the water sustainability in China and the solutions.The USAS EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) is committed to the promotion of the sustainable practices that helps ensuring that the citizens continue enjoying the benefits of the safe and clean water. As a final result the tap water in the USA relatively cleaner as compared to that of China. The tap water in U.S is genera lly good. In the 2006, 89.3% of the nations community water system were in total accord with EPA. Unlike China, most of the water systems in the USA that are out of compliance are the keen systems in the low-spirited towns and rural areas partly because most of the public water systems are generally small ones. Another reason for the cleaner tap water in the USA is that the drinking water in the U.S is regulated by the federal and dry land laws and codes that sets Maximum Contaminant Levels for some of the pollutants and the naturally occurring constituents. The federal and state laws and codes are tasked with the determination of the various operational requirements, public notifications of the standards, provision of guidance to the state primacy agencies and publish the consumer self-assertion reports (Liu, Jianguo, and Wu Yang 650).Unlike China, the laws in the US such as Safe Drinking Water Act figure quality of the drinking water is high. The public water systems in the US must comply with the laws to get word that the water is safe.
Saturday, May 11, 2019
The Globalisation of McDonalds and the Role of Management Essay
The Globalisation of McDonalds and the Role of Management - Essay mannikinMcDonalds Conquers the world. Fortune, October, 17, 103-116. 12 VIGNALI, C. 2001. McDonaldsthink global, act localthe marketing mix. British Food Journal, 103, 97-111. 12 WATSON, J. L. 2006. Golden arches east McDonalds in East Asia, Stanford Univ Pr. 12 Executive Summary McDonalds is a widely know brand that is recognised throughout the world. It was begun by Ray Kroc who saw po decennarytial in a smooth drive-in eating place ran by two brothers. Through his passion and leadership the company grew to its current stand up and continues to grow. This report focus on four aspects, first it examines what traits made Ray Kroc and James Cantalupo good leaders and good managers for the company. Following this it examines the elements of business strategies for the company and how they increase the business. Then it considers the fast food industry as a whole and finally looks at changes in organisation to make it more globalized. Introduction McDonalds is a multinational corporation that spans the globe, and is often considered one of the most successful business empires. The franchise was originally born(p) from a drive-in restaurant named McDonalds Bar-B-Que which began in 1940. In 1948 the restaurant was shut down for alterations and reopened as a drive-in restaurant, selling a total of nine items, the most important of which was the 15 penny hamburger. The life-size change to the business came when salesman 52-year old Ray Kroc visited McDonalds and takes a position as a nationally franchising element for the company (McDonalds, 2011). Following the introduction of Kroc to the company McDonalds become connected to many of the icons and symbols that it is associated with today. The first restaurant had red and washcloth tiles as well as the now famous Golden Arches which... McDonalds is a multinational corporation that spans the globe, and is often considered one of the most succe ssful business empires. The franchise was originally born from a drive-in restaurant named McDonalds Bar-B-Que which began in 1940. In 1948 the restaurant was shut down for alterations and reopened as a drive-in restaurant, selling a total of nine items, the most important of which was the 15 cent hamburger. The big change to the business came when salesman 52-year old Ray Kroc visited McDonalds and takes a position as a nationwide franchising agent for the company. Following the introduction of Kroc to the company McDonalds become connected to many of the icons and symbols that it is associated with today. The first restaurant had red and white tiles as well as the now famous Golden Arches which were designed for the brand. Within the space of ten years more than 700 McDonalds restaurants had opened across the United States. McDonalds expanded internationally in 1967 by opening restaurants in Puerto Rico and Canada. In the present day, the corporation has restaurants in 117 countri es worldwide, with the total restaurant estimate totalling over 32,000.McDonalds faced many challenges with its worldwide expansion. An example of this was its expansion into India. In 1996 it opened its first restaurant in New Delhi, where it drew substantial criticism for the sale of beef I its other restaurants, even out though it was not offering beef products in New Delhi.
Friday, May 10, 2019
How Are Women Influenced by Contemporary Islamic Movements Today Research Paper
How Are Women Influenced by Contemporary Islamic Movements Today - Research Paper ExampleA historical insight reveals that the arising of the concept of Islamic Feminism had its roots in Egyptian federation. In the modern context, the revolt of women in the Islamic society in gaining an equal social and ghostly image gave a further contrive to the concept of Islamic Feminism1. The religion of Islam has a considerable impact on the women class of society from time immemorial. Women of the modern period are found to use the same religion to gain a better place in society.The step-up of Islamic activism in the Muslim countries is found to render world-shattering impact on woman class of such societies. An observation of religious fundamentalist activities practised in countries like Pakistan, Egypt, Iran and Lebanon job on the identification of women as a single and different class in the social order. Moreover, it is found that the Islamic religion is moving forward to earn a c lose consanguinity with the issue of anti-women movements throughout the world. To this end, it is observed that the global Muslim society uses women to symbolize their religious solidarity and religious ethnicity. This enceinte amount of stress rendered to identify women as a separate social class and use of them to high spot a religious body dampens the spirit of humanity in women. It is found that women in the Muslim religious society are often tied to issues of social values and code of conducts produced by the conservative practices. Further, the growth of a Muslim state is closely believed to be associated with increasing the control over the women class.It is observed that pull down in the contemporary Muslim world the women are not allowed to have a choice on their dress codes. The women in the Muslim countries have to cover up their faces in a veil, which reflects them to be be to a definite religious class. Equally, the womenare governed to bear certain definite socia l conducts as would reflect them in being Muslims. In regards to setting up a distinct dress code for women, the Muslim religion cites certain specific advantages in regards to Muslim households.
Thursday, May 9, 2019
The Increased Use of Digital Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Increased Use of Digital engineering science - Essay ExampleThese are few of the examples of a revolution that be in possession of taken place and presumption the modern times a totally new appearance. Portability and on the go access has been the order of the day. cardinal years back the world was entering into a phase where computers were a new trend in the commercial world, only mainframe and giant computers existed that were accessible only to the defence departments and scientists. Those were the days that set the keister for modern day progress and enabled a progressive present. A few megabytes hard disk was considered an achievement, stock-still the technology proponent Bill Gates was misled by his assumptions and stated that 640 k of memory would be in a higher place the suffice level of needs of common person(Lee, pg 182, 2006).Globalization is another term that aptly fits in this situation it has made the entire universe a family and the world is a global village now, heap are exploring all those dimensions that were never possible before. Today most of the cafes in towns, airports, subway stations have Wi-Fi and other means of cyberspace available that enables staying in touch with people even when on the go, and then digital emergence has contributed towards constant contact and sources of communications in modern times(Wells, et al., 2001).Use of computers gave rise to the internet which in true sense revolutionized the modern times and enabled achieving all that which were once limited to fantasies and wishes list. This was further followed by the introduction of wireless(prenominal) spectrum that totally eliminated the concept of wired communications. Wireless mode meant more ubiquity and less hassle.
Wednesday, May 8, 2019
The Black Swan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The morose Swan - Essay ExampleBased on the example given, it is enlighten that the Internet is one of the further compositors eccentric persons that build occurred. Conversely, Bp Mexican Gulf oil spill could be termed as a discouraging unforeseen event. Question 2 Yes, it makes sense to allocate resources to prevent a depressed swan event. Based on what happened to BP, it could be seen that the guild would have prevented the disaster by allocating reasonable fiscal resources for structural expansion. BPs partner, Anadarko, points fall out that the company made a poor choice and unreasonable measures by allocating money to the firm except instead management of the company advanced personal issues leaving the company with structural issues. This made the company vulnerable to any disaster. Both BPs partner Anadarko and American oil industry agreed that BP has been in the forefront to cut the cost of company instead of improving the company technically (Correa n.d). Questio n 3 Yes, it makes sense to devote resources to contain a black swan event in case it occurs, which this is clear from the Bp oil spill. The spill occurred after installation of pipes with the commit of limited centralizers. From the managers email, it is clear that the financial allocation was insufficient. If the company had allocated more money for procurement of more centralizers, the oil spill disaster would not have occurred. In addition, the American oil industry and the Bp partner agree with allocation of more resources for encounter management. The company tried to cut costs, which is clear from the unjustifiable number of centralizers. The number of centralizers installed was six instead of 21 recommended centralizers by the engineers (Marianne 2010). Furthermore, there is a need for more financial resources for structural strengthening to avoid emerging catastrophe, the case of Bp Oil Company, it would have averted black swan had it allocated $7 billion to $21 billion f or recourse measures like procurement of safer head pipes. Question4 Yes, human error is different from a black swan event beca procedure it is a decision that individuals make and at the end, it causes a disaster. For example, Bp oil company management decided to use six centralizers instead of the recommended 21 centralizers. This is a human error because someone made an undesirable decision. Conversely, black swan events cannot be the same as a human error because it cannot be predicted using old information or scientific approach. Yes, human error can lead to Black Swan, considering the 2008 financial crisis, it would have been easily prevented if financial experts had taken into consideration the financial mistakes which were already visible in the year 2006 (Marianne 2010). The case of Bp Oil Company, whereby the disaster of oil spill occurred, it is clear that human error leads to black swan, oil spilling and causation huge environmental pollution and making the company to into financial crisis. As pointed out above the use of less number of centralizers against the recommended number is human error that leads to black swan. Question 5 As an executive of Bp, my consideration would be redundancies wells. With little amount of money available I will have to post on the remaining well. The extra well will help incase another disaster occurs. precautionary measures should also be put into consideration. For example, the company will have to install acoustic shutoff switches to prevent inshore oil spills. In addition, an insurance
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