Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder free essay sample
Specific Purpose: To inform my audience of the definition of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and what causes it, the symptoms of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, and the treatments for Obsessive -Compulsive Disorder. Thesis: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is a common psychiatric illness that can affect people’s daily lives. Introduction Do you constantly check to see if you turned the stove off? Do you have to wash your hands a certain amount of times before you feel like their clean? Do you constantly repeat things, or keep things such as bears, bottles, or paper? We all double check sometimes, but when you feel the need to check things repeatedly, and if you don’t you feel a sense of anxiety, this could be a sign that you have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, or OCD. I can discuss this topic with you because I work with people who have this disorder, and I have done my research by reading books and researching the web. We will write a custom essay sample on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Today I’m going to inform you about Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder also known as OCD. OCD is a common psychiatric illness that can affect people’s daily lives. Now I’m going to tell you what OCD is and what causes it, the symptoms of OCD, and the treatment for OCD. I. First, let’s discuss what OCD is and what causes it? A. According to the Brain and Behavior Research Foundation OCD is an anxiety disorder, and is characterized by unwanted thoughts which are obsessions, repetitive behaviors which are compulsions, and rituals to satisfy obsession. People with OCD are plagued by recurring and distressing thoughts, fears, or images they cannot control. 1. According to the National Institute of Mental Health OCD affects about 2. 2 Million American Adults. 2. OCD affects men, women, and children, as well as people of all races, religions, and socioeconomic backgrounds 3. One-third adults with OCD develop symptoms as children. Unlike adults, however, children with OCD may not realize that their obsessions and compulsions are excessive. B. Experts do not know the exact cause of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Research suggests that there may be a problem with the way one part of the brain sends information to another part. Not having enough of a brain chemical called serotonin. 1. OCD is caused by chemical and brain dysfunction, Genetics, Infection, Depression, and Life. 2. OCD can cause severe anxiety in those affected and involves both obsessions and compulsions in everyday life. Now that we know what OCD is and what causes it, let’s discuss the symptoms of OCD. II. The Symptoms of OCD A. People with OCD have many different symptoms. †¢According to the ADAA, Anxiety and Depression Association of America OCD symptoms are divided into Obsessions (unwanted intrusive thoughts) †¢Constant, irrational worry about dirt, germs, or contamination. . According to the book â€Å"Freedom from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder†contamination is the most common form of OCD. †¢Excessive concern with order, arrangement, or symmetry. †¢Feeling responsible for the safety of others. Compulsions (ritualistic behaviors and routines to ease anxiety or distress) †¢Cleaning- Repeatedly washing hands, or bathing. †¢Checking- Checking to see if the stove is off, or if the door is locked. †¢Hoarding- According to the book â€Å"Overcoming Compulsive Hoarding†is the one element of OCD that is largely known, is Difficulty throwing things away such as rubber bands, bottle caps, or magazines because you feel that you will need it later, or need it â€Å"just in case††¢Repeating- Inability to stop repeating a name, phrase, or activity. Now that we know what OCD is, and the symptoms of OCD, let’s discuss the treatments for OCD. III. What are treatments for OCD? A. Psychotherapy 1. Teaches a person different days of thinking, behaving, and reacting to situations that help him/her feel less anxious or fearful without having obsessive thoughts on acting compulsively. B. Medication 1. Doctors may prescribe medication to help treat OCD. The most commonly prescribed medications for OCD are anti-anxiety medications and anti-depressants. 1. Anti-anxiety meds are powerful and many begin working right away. 2. Anti-depressants are used to treat depression, but they are also helpful for OCD probably more so than anti-anxiety meds.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Choosing the Best Anti-Fouling Paint
Choosing the Best Anti-Fouling Paint The earliest anti-fouling systems consisted of two elements. The first was a metal scraper and the second was the lowest ranking sailor on the vessel. But seriously, the buildup of biological matter on the submerged hull is a huge problem for the material and for the efficiency of the vessel. The task of manually scraping bottoms was made much easier when sheet copper was fastened to the bottom of wooden hulled ships. Eventually the technology advanced to produce paint that held copper compounds and slowly released them into the environment. The next major breakthrough was tributyltin which worked very well but it was so toxic to the environment that it was banned three decades later. Improved copper based paints and non-copper alternatives are now available. In fact there are so many specialized paints it’s difficult to leave the copper behind to try something else. Why change? Well in some areas we are already seeing the signs that point to widespread bans. Northern Europe and the West Coast of the U.S. are phasing in bans in some areas and more will follow. Types of Anti-Fouling Paints Ablative Anti-Fouling Anti-fouling paints take different strategies to meet the goal of eliminating plant, animal, and algae growth on the wet parts of the hull. There are three common types of anti-foul available. The most common is ablative paint which wears away like a bar of soap. This soap analogy is very old but really works well for this type of paint. If you use your vessel regularly there should be no problem wearing away the growth. Seasonal boats that have long periods of disuse will not benefit as much of the cleaning takes place while underway. This paint works well since animals like the zebra mussel have difficulty finding a firm hold. They are generally pulled off as the vessel moves through the water. A moderate amount of maintenance is required for this coating since it must be applied to last until the next haul out. Large vessels that cannot be hauled should use a more durable paint. Copolymer Anti-Fouling Copolymers are much tougher than ablatives and don’t have some of the disadvantages of hard paints. They can be exposed to air during maintenance and not lose potency. There is also little chance of paint build up since copolymers are designed to ablate at a much slower rate than a true ablative paint. Unless you have a specific need for an ablative or hard paint this is often the best choice. It is also the safe option if a location has unknown conditions. Some people refer to these as slow polishing paints. Hard Anti-Fouling When a vessel gets to a certain size you no longer want the expense of dry dock or haul out. This is where hard coatings shine. The most common base for these paints is epoxy or some other tough polymer. It releases biocide constantly by allowing the poison to migrate to the surface of the paint and leaches fewer toxins away in the process. This is durable stuff and it does not come off in harsh conditions. In fact it must be removed mechanically by blasting or sanding. Because of the pollution potential of the runoff or dust from these processes produce toxic wastes that have significant costs of disposal. The cost of these paints is generally higher due to specialized application processes. For a smooth finish these paints should be sprayed while the others can be applied by roller and brush. Since this is a low maintenance solution most large commercial vessels use this type of paint. The Biocides Biocides are the toxic element in the paint which deters life from attaching to the hull. There are several types and sometimes combinations in the same product. Cuprous Oxide – This is the most common biocide by far. It is also the target of environmental regulators because it is building up in harbors. This is not necessarily because the bottom paint is leaching too much copper. The problem is thought to be caused by the power washing, scrubbing and sanding done on thousands of recreational vessels.Almost all of this runoff has a short trip from the bottom of the boat to the water it was almost never collected in the past. New regulations are now requiring marinas to collect this waste and dispose of it properly. This will increase the overall cost of maintenance and some services may no longer be available. Cuprous Thiocyanate – Similar in behavior to cuprous oxide but stronger biocides make it useful for high foul areas or low use vessels. Composite Copper – This is still copper but in a better package. The copper is encapsulated in another material that makes it less likely to leach beyond the needed rate. Silica is currently being used as a matrix but this is a rapidly advancing technology. Pyrithione Zinc – One of the best copper alternatives. Alternatives to copper are increasing as bans become inevitable. This biocide is not generally recommended for high fouling areas like the tropics. Non-Metalic Biocides – These are fairly new to the market and are composed of organic molecules most likely modeled from compounds found on a living creature. Anti-Foulings of the Future The future is super slippery and we have been promised something that is more of a thin film than paint. The first of these products have come to market and are best for low-fouling areas. They hold a lot of promise since they have no biocide and may last for the life of the vessel when fully developed. Imagine the days when a coating goes on at the shipyard and never needs replacement and at the same time improves efficiency. Until then somebody go get the scraper. Nanoparticles also hold some promise for the future of low friction coatings of all types.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Is Honesty Always the Best Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Is Honesty Always the Best Policy - Essay Example The main character of the movie, Howard Prince, is a person who is contacted by his writer friend for a favor. The writer has been blacklisted from the television studios and wants Howard to front for him in exchange for a commission. Howard soon finds out how lucrative it is, and contacts two more blacklisted writers to front. Even though Howard is being dishonest, and for monetary concerns not for any lofty ideals, it is noteworthy that this arrangement is beneficial to not only him, but to the unfortunately blacklisted writers and even for the television studio he sells the scripts to. In this scenario, it would be ludicrous to be honest, as the reason the writers are blacklisted is unfair and unjust. The main character of the movie, Howard Prince, is a person who is contacted by his writer friend for a favor. The writer has been blacklisted from the television studios and wants Howard to front for him in exchange for a commission. Howard soon finds out how lucrative it is, and contacts two more blacklisted writers to front. Even though Howard is being dishonest, and for monetary concerns not for any lofty ideals, it is noteworthy that this arrangement is beneficial to not only him, but to the unfortunately blacklisted writers and even for the television studio he sells the scripts to. In this scenario, it would be ludicrous to be honest, as the reason the writers are blacklisted is unfair and unjust. Another character in the movie, Hecky Brown, is slowly but surely blacklisted and he watches his whole career disintegrate down.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Mental Health Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Mental Health - Essay Example Today, doctors are able to treat and manage all these mental conditions (Hind 2010). According to Hind (2010, p.536) these mental problems affect all individuals regardless of their gender, religion, age, income, race, or social status. The beliefs that people hold about mental illnesses are not true. Such beliefs include personal weaknesses as the cause of mental illnesses, poor upbringing as the cause, and lack of character as the cause of mental illness (Hind 2010). Moreover, mental illnesses are treatable, and those diagnosed with severe ones actively participate in a treatment plan that is done individually, to relieve symptoms of their illness (Lisa 2014, p. 97). The feelings, thoughts, and behaviours of a person can also be influenced by a mental health problem, but not to a greater extent as the mental illness. Stresses of life can lead to mental health problems, which are common and temporary. Mental illnesses are more severe than mental health problems, although mental health problems if not dealt with early might lead to mental illnesses. Not only does people who experience mental illnesses suffer a lot, but also their friends, children and relatives suffer a lot (Lyndall 2003, p. 154). Moreover, the problems associated with these kinds of illnesses tend to increase day by day. The World Health Organization suggests that by the year 2020, mental illness like depression will be among the biggest health problems. Depressive and anxiety disorders are widespread mental illnesses. Every individual experiences intense feelings of fear, sadness, or fear at times. However, when these feelings become overwhelming and disturbing in a way that coping with daily activities becomes difficult, then that person is suffering from a mental illness. Relationships for such people become hard to maintain, coping with work becomes difficult, and leisure time becomes
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Money Laundering Regulations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Money Laundering Regulations - Essay Example Money laundering transactions generate assets that are a result of some illegal act such as drug deals or tax evasion. If a money launderer is able to achieve this goal then the criminal will be able to keep the property obtained from their illegal activity and have an apparent legal source for their newly acquired wealth. The purpose of laundering money is to disguise the assets obtained from the criminal activity as assets obtained through legal sources in an attempt to avoid imprisonment. Money that is laundered starts out as cash or as assets that are already in the banking system. Money is laundered through companies that handle large amounts of cash and investments like banks and other business firms that handle investments. Businesses that deal across international boundaries that handle "high valued goods" are prime targets for money launders. Some examples of businesses relevant to this situation are accountants, tax advisors, estate agents, and antique dealers. Terrorist, t ax evaders, arms dealers, and drug dealers among other criminals involve themselves in money laundering. Overseas accounts and electronic funds transfers can be disguised to look like legitimate company transactions and make money laundering disguise easier for criminals. Money launderers also employ experts to help them launder money. For example, a launderer could simply ask someone for permission to use that person's account for deposits in return for a fee. Another scenario is for the money launderer to approach a business and ask them to set up transactions in which a sum of money is regularly deposited in the company's account. The businesses will then send the money back as a fictitious payment for non-existent goods. Although this method is very popular amongst the criminal underworld, there are other ways of laundering money without a business becoming aware of being involved in a crime. For example, the money launderer could place an order for a robot to be manufactured to a specific standard. The company may ask for a 60% deposit with the understanding that the order won't be put through for three months. Before the three months are up the money launderer cancels the order and gets the deposit refunded minus a penalty. The money launderer will always be willing to pay the penalty because although the criminal will want to get as much back as possible, what the criminal really wants is the money back clean. It is important to bear in mind that money laundering is a process rather than a single act. In an effort to expose and analyze this phenomenon it has become common to use a three-stage model, which encompasses an ideal money-laundering scheme. The three stages are as follows: The Placement Stage, which is when cash is received directly from criminal activity, like from sales of drugs. It is first placed either in a financial institution or used to purchase an asset. At this stage the criminal disposes of the physical cash deposits. The Layering Stage is the stage at which the first attempt at concealment or disguise of the source of the ownership of funds takes place. This stage is called the layering stage because it is where the criminals "layer" financial transactions in an attempt to hid the criminal activity.
Friday, November 15, 2019
International trade and restrictions such as tariffs
International trade and restrictions such as tariffs Introduction A tariff is a duty levied on a product when it crosses national borders. The most popular tariff is the import tariff, which is tax levied on an imported product. Most of the time, tariff is imposed for protection or revenue purposes. A protective tariff is designed to insulate import-competing producers from foreign competition. Though protective tariff is not indented to totally prohibit imports from entering the country, it does place foreign producers at a competitive disadvantage when selling in the market. A revenue tariff is imposed for the purpose of generating tariff revenues and may be placed on either export or imports. The important thing to be considered about tariff is who gains and who suffers. It means the impact of tariff on stakeholders. Government gains, because it gains revenue from the tariff. Domestic producers gain, because tariff protects them from foreign competitors. Consumers lose because they pay more. In general, two conclusions can be derived from the effect of import tariff. First, tariff is pro-producer and anti-consumer (domestic). While tariff protects domestic producer, at the same time it increases domestic price of the product. Second, Import tariff reduces overall efficiency of the world economy (large country). It reduces efficiency because protective tariff encourages domestic firms to produce more at home, but they can produce more efficiently abroad. The result is insufficient using resources. Besides, tariff raises employment in the protected industry (such as steel) by increasing the price of competing import goods. Industries that are primary suppliers of inputs to the protected industry also gain jobs. However, industries that purchase the protected product (such as auto manufactures) face higher costs. These costs are then passed on to the consumer through higher prices, resulting in decreased sales. Thus unemployment falls in these related industries. Tariff Welfare Effects (large country) Source of:, International Trade Theory and Policy Welfare Effect of Tariff Welfare Effects of Import Tariff on Steel Stakeholders Imported country Exporting country Consumer Surplus -(A+B+C+D) +e Producer Surplus +A -(e+f+g+h) Govt. Revenue +(C+G) 0 National Welfare +G-(B+D) -(f+g+h) World Welfare -(B+D)-(f+h) Source: Suranovic S. (2004), International Trade and Investment Policy, ch 90 Domestic Consumers The consumers are affected by the market price. High price will reduce the consumer surplus because tariff reduces the purchasing power of consumers. As it is mentioned in the table, consumer loses: (A+B+C+D). Domestic Producers Producers are also affected by the market price. An increase market price will lead to increase the supply, and producer surplus will rise. High price is an incentive for the producers to increase production. It is obvious from the table producer gains: +A Domestic Government The government receives revenue as government impose import tariff. Beneficial from the revenue depends on how government will spend it. + (C+G) Domestic welfare Domestic welfare is summing gains and losses of the stakeholders. As a result, the domestic welfare is positive. +G-(B+D). Tariff Effects on Exporting Countrys Consumers As a result of the tariff, export countys consumers are happy. The price reduction in the export countries increases consumer surplus. . A decrease in the market price will lead to an increase in the quantity purchased and a large consumer surplus. +e Exporting Countries Producers Tariff leads price falls in the exporting country and the producer surplus reduces. Production decrease because, demand for the product diminish as it mentioned above for the large country. (e+f+g+h) Exporting Countrys Government Export country gains nothing, as tariff has no effect on the revenue. 0 Exporting Countries Welfare As usual the aggregate welfare is the summing of the gains and losses to consumers and producers. The welfare of the exporting country decreases. (f+g+h) Tariff Effects on: World Welfare If small country imposes tariff, it does not affect the world price. Contrary, if large country imposes import tariff it reduces the world price of the product as the demand decrease. If the world price falls, it diminishes world production and consumption. So the world welfare reduces. (B+D)-(f+h) Bushs Steel Tariff Case of U.S. Background of the Case Steel has traditionally been a very important industry worldwide. Steel is an important ingredient and symbol of an economy. As a result, governments around the world are willing to be highly protective of their steel industry. Global consumption of steel rose from 28million tons at the twentieth century to 780 million tons at the end-an average increase of 3.4 percent per year. Source: Michael, R. Czinkota (2005), International Business, 7th edition, part 2, p137 America is one of the worlds largest steel producer and consumer. But 31 American steel producers went bankruptcy, because of the cheap steel import. In November 2001, the International Trade Commission realized that the U.S industry had suffered serious injury from imports. It recommended that president impose tariff from 15 percent to 40 percent, depending on the type of the steel. Substantial tariffs on steel imports would raise U.S domestic price and will boost the industry. Without protection, nearly 60,000 U.S steel workers can lose their jobs. Besides, there are many steel consumers, such as automakers and construction companies. Increase the price hurt the consumers businesses. Steel consuming producers argue that because of the high price, they would lose competition with foreign rivals. Imposing tariffs on steel imports goes against U.S trade liberalization and EU warned U.S. Making the Decision President George W. Bush faced difficulties. If he eliminated the tariff it would lead more domestic steel producers to bankruptcy. On the other hand if he did too much of the tariff, it would cause trade war with steel-producer countries. On 5th of March 2002, President Bush decided to impose 30 percent tariff on importing steel. President Bushs Steel Trade Remedy Program of 2002-2003 Tariff Rates Products year1 Year 2 Semi finished slab Plate, hot-rolled sheet, cold-rolled sheet 30% 24% Tin mill products 30% 24% Hot-rolled bar 30% 24% Cold-finished bar 30% 24% Rebar 15% 12% Welded tubular products 15% 12% Carbon and alloy flanges 13% 10% Stainless steel bar 15% 12% Stainless steel rod 15% 12% stainless streel wire 8% 7% Source: Robert, J. Carbaugh (2006), International Economics,10th edition, ch 4,p122 According to political, it was the most aggressive action take by George Bush in order to protect domestic steel industry. Source: Reactions As it was expected, the first reaction was by leading steel-producing countries. Americas largest trading partner EU also increased its tariff against U.S producers. But Japan, South Korea, Brazil and Australia promised to take the United States to WTO arbitration panel. Despite U.S officials protested that it was just temporary safeguards. According to EUs Trade commissioner, Pascal Lamy: The international market is not the Wild West where everyone acts as he pleases. German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder declared the Bush decision against free world markets, while French President Jacques Chirac called the move serious and unacceptable. The Major steel-Producing Countries, 2001 and 2000 Source: Michael, R. Czinkota (2005), International Business, 7th edition, part, p138 Russians said the tariff had a profound impact on the relations between the two countries. Russian official claimed that U.S hit a blow to one of the Russias major export industries. As a result, in March 2002, Russia began trade war between U.S as putting embargo against U.S poultry import as a reason of health concern. Impact of tariff on domestic market The Bush tariff provided some relief to U.S. steelmakers from cheap imports. But some cost-cutting occurred among steelmakers during 2002-2003: some producers merged and labor contracts were renewed. Large number of U.S. companies who use steel for production opposed against the Bush tariff. Chief executives of these firms noted that, tariff drove up their costs and imperiled more jobs across the manufacturing belt than they saved in the steel industry. President Bush found himself in difficult situation by opposing interests of steel producers and steel users. Removing Bush tariff After reviving the steel industry, Bush removed steel tariff in December 2003. He noted that the tariff provided steelmakers time for restructuring and regain competitiveness. But his removal of the tariff was primarily in response to the WTOs ruling. Impact of tariff on stakeholders However, both the issuing and the lifting of the tariffs caused controversy in the United States. All evidence points to the fact that the move seemed to have backfired as the price of raw material have risen, inadequate supply of these raw materials (steel scrap) leading to delivery delays, all of which are transferred to the consumers of steels (automobile manufactures) in form of high prices. In some cases, these steel consumers found it even cheaper to source from abroad, further cutting the steel market in the U.S. and eventually loss of jobs. Most of the car makers shifted their resource from steel to plastic. It left the consumers such as automobile makers to competitive disadvantage situation; because car prices were high and low quality (most of the parts were plastic). Steel scrap is an essential raw material for steel mills around the world. Mini-mills, which run on electricity instead of coal-fired furnaces, produce about one-third of the worlds roughly 900 million metric tons, and they rely exclusively on scrap steel. Nucor Corp. a Charlotte, N.C., a large U.S. steelmaker that operates electricity-fired furnaces, raised prices on its steel-sheet products by $40 a ton as rising demand gave it room to pass on rising raw-material costs to customers. Weirton Steel Corp. followed suit by adding a $25/ton surcharge to all its products. These price hikes has made U.S. steel uncompetitive in the global market. In addition, non-unionized and more efficient steel company (Nucor Steel Corp.), have as a result of the move, taken most of the market share from unionized companys operating old lines. The tariff also meant that Europe was bound to be flooded by the diverted steel, which was cause for concern. However, by 2002, whatever global steel glut that existed had vanished as a booming Chinese economy sucked in more steel imports, further undermining the American steel market. Hence, other foreign producers took the advantage presented by the emerging market s and kept the steel trade going while the U.S. suffered. Amid the fears of the tariffs imposed on steel imports, many in the U.S. regarded the move as wealth destroying and politically escapable. They argued that it did nothing to help the people it intended to in the short term and it failed to address the ensuing high costs, including legacy liabilities in health-care and pension benefits. The argument that the tariff gave the steel industry breathing space to adapt to a new market, has been viewed by some as the developed world version of the old infant industries line that has long been discredited by the Third World. In the global arena, the United States poised at the receiving end of retaliatory levies from Japan and some European countries. The Japanese threatened to impose retaliatory duties on a range of American products, from steel to gasoline and clothing if the U.S. did not drop the tariffs on foreign steel imports the WTO considered illegal. This move was intended to add $85 million a year to the price of American goods exported to Japan. Similarly, in August 2002, the WTO told the European Union it could impose some $2.2 billion in punitive tariffs on imports from the United States, ranging from textiles to pool tables and citrus products. Under retaliatory threat, the Bushs administration spent a good deal of time coming up with a package that would both avert a trade war and blunt criticisms from the domestic steel industry and its workers. The tariffs were lifted by Bush on December 4, 2003. The lifting of the 30 percent steel tariff was welcomed with applause although the administration indicated that it will still be monitoring imports in order to respond if cheap steel surges into the U.S. A major trade war was consequently avoided and within minutes of the announcement, the European Union had dropped its threat of retaliatory tariffs on $2.2 billion of U.S. products. Also joining the celebration were U.S. steel-consuming industries that had watched prices jump by more than 30%. An International Trade report found that in their first year alone the levies exacted a $680 million hit on the economy. Soon after the tariffs were lifted, steel prices in the U.S. rose. This continued through the first quarter of 2004. As of early April, 2004, steel warehouses saw no sign of significant in-bound steel from foreign shores that could drive the price of steel down to the level it had reached before Bush withdrew the tariffs. This indicates that U.S. steel producers may have imp roved its equipment and processes as intended, thereby, putting them at favorable competitive stance to trade steel within and outside the U.S. This can be improved more, if U.S. manufacturers reach a deal with labor unions in order to rid the industry of its legacy costs to employees. Though tariff saved about 60,000 of Americans who worked for steel using manufactures, it increased unemployment in steel consuming industries such as automobile manufacturers. Conclusion The lessons from this act of protectionism vary among individuals and groups of individuals. Indeed, some of the presidents political opponents, such as Representative Dick Gephardt, criticized the plan for not going far enough and some of the steel manufacturers advocated for more time and that tariff exemptions should not be made to countries, especially those that were threatening to impose retaliatory duties. The early withdrawal of the tariffs also drew political criticism from steel producers, as well as supporters of protectionism, but was cheered by proponents of free trade and steel importers. It is however, difficult to determine with certainty if President Bushs tariffs was the necessarily way to go. We have seen that while the tariffs have been somewhat restrictive, they have not fully prevented foreign steel from coming into the United States. In the global economy today where the tenets of free trade have been embraced by most nations, where nations are seeking ways of conveniently eliminating barriers to trade for the purpose of domestic and international economic emancipation the lesson learned is that protectionism will always backfire and it is in the best interest of the U.S. and other nations to stick to and defend the free trade principles.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Importance of Understanding Cultural, Ethnic, and Gender Essay
Culture is defined â€Å"as a set of values, practices, traditions or beliefs a group shares, whether due to age, race or ethnicity, religion or gender†(Mayhew, 2014). Diversity is â€Å"the inclusion of individuals representing more than one national origin, color, religion, socioeconomic stratum, sexual orientation†(2014). Diversity in the workplace refers to the variety of differences between people in an organization. It can include gender, age, personality, background, race, ethnic group, and much more. It doesn’t just include how people see themselves but how they see others as well and this affect how they act in a work environment. Some of the issues companies have to deal with are communication, adaptability and change. Embracing diversity and accepting and appreciating the differences means individual strengths and weaknesses can be understood and factored into building workplace teams. Recognizing and appreciating cultural differences is only the tip of the iceberg. Subordinate group attitudes that have developed over time may cause them to be defensive. It is necessary to work towards bridging the gap between dominant and subordinate groups to help them to communicate better. Managers and leaders need to step out of their comfort levels and develop knowledge of cultural differences and be sensitive to the fact that there are diversity issues. If you establish relationships at work with people who are different than you, you start to learn about the talent and knowledge that diverse culture can add to your company. Most hospitals have come to the realization that people from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds, genders, as well as religions, bring with them different values and perspectives. Managers have to make sure that top priority is given to patient care. If there are misunderstandings between employees related to culture, ethnicity, or gender, it will eventually affect patient care. It is the managers’ duty to keep in mind that it is important to make the hospital unit as diverse as possible but making sure there is also a balance. â€Å"Fortunately, attitudes are changing. Nursing managers in hospitals must creating workplace and educational programs to help nurses overcome discriminatory feelings they may consciously or unconsciously hold toward colleagues or patients.†(Rob & Douglas, 2004) . If there are diverse groups in the unit, there are a number of nurses who think differently and have a different way of looking at patients and their needs. Therefore there is a better chance that patient’s needs will be tended to. Being a lefty for a day is a challenge that left handed people endure on a daily basis. Tasks such as opening a bottle of wine, using a wall mounted pencil sharpener, and turning the pages of a book were all rather difficult. Daily tasks that we don’t think twice about become r a daunting mountain to climb. My mom is a left-handed so in addition to my own experience, I asked her what she has gone through since she was born a lefty. She told me that her mom, my grandmother, would always yell at her for using her left hand to write and do day to day tasks. When my mom would do her homework with her left hand, my grandmother would threaten her and make her use her right hand. Her reason was that left handed people are not â€Å"smart.†In today’s modern day and age, we know and understand that is not the case. â€Å"Forcing a left-handed to be right-handed causes reduced activity in the dominant right hemisphere and increase activity in the non-dominant side. Since creativity and imagination are dominant parts of right brain, they will remain under-developed and the left-side of the brain sees increased activity that deals with reality, facts and logic, characteristics that are opposite of the person’s true potential†(Abbasi, 2011). Forcing people therefore tends to make them slower and do not reach their potential in life. It does seem being a lefty in a right handed world is a very big disadvantage. However, lefty’s do learn to adapt to doing things with both hands making them ambidextrous. So, in the end they gained something, rather than losing something. References Chron. (2007, May 4). Examples of Cultural Differences in the Workplace. Retrieved From the Chron small business website: Reason before Passion. (2011, August 8). Never force left-handed child to be right-handed. Retrieved from the Reason before Passion website:
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Specialist idea maker characterised by high iq education essay
Learning is the womb-to-tomb procedure of uninterrupted betterment. Human being learns new things throughout its life-time. It is necessary for the overall development of human being. Merely the individual who is acute scholar can last and turn in today ‘s competitory environment. We ever continue to larn from the twenty-four hours we born till the twenty-four hours we die. Life without larning is like stagnating H2O. Human being larn everything that comes to him i.e. larn from its actions, its experience etc. In Reflection faculty I am traveling to sum up the contemplation of what I learnt. Reflection and larning are explained through assorted theoretical accounts and theory in this assignment.ASSIGNMENT 1When I am making this undertaking I was under the intuition that it is traveling to be another industry faculty where we will be demoing to merely abstract thoughts. But I came to cognize that it is more about modeling an person into acquiring prepared to a organisation calling. Largely PASS overlaps the trained and academic accomplishments that are needed by persons to fight in this reciprocally dependent universe. The first twenty-four hours of fall ining my institute is fundamentally different from my premise, the college give us the right cognition and a key to success. But when I came to cognize about this faculty ( PASS ) my falsity was nowhere to be found any more within me. It provides me the professional cognition and assist us to better my accomplishments.REFLECTIVE JOURNALCollaboration: –This subdivision coaction was introduced where we implicit the demand for coaction for the squad work. Basically coaction is to garner a assortment of different accomplishments among team members and use them to guarantee the success of the undertaking. In this I introduced the Tuck adult male ‘s Group Development Model and Belbin ‘s TheoryTUCK MAN ‘S AND BELBIN THEORYDegree centigrades: Documents and SettingsMicrosoftDesktopforming_storming.gif Tuckman ‘s theoretical account is that it helps us understand that squads evolve. It besides helps us to see how they may meet different jobs at different phases ofA their development There are four phases in tuckman ‘s model-forming, ramping, norming and executing. In the first phase we read about organizing. In this foremost the base degree is established. In this phase the persons are non yet gelled together and everybody is busy in happening their topographic point in the squad. Besides the trust is developed between the squad members in this phase. The squad members agrees on common end. This phase is really of import because in this phase members make goods contacts and strong bonding towards each other. In the 2nd phase we focused on ramping. In this phase members feel themselves as a portion of a squad. They are identify with the powers, control issues and the resources that are to be used. In this phase members express different thoughts, feeling, and sentiment, nevertheless they may dispute themselves and the squad leader about what the squad is making and and how the work should be done. The 3rd phase is norming. The members come together. They agrees about functions and procedures for work outing the job. We can state it is the feature of togetherness. Decisions are made through dialogue and understanding edifice. The squad is engaged in assorted activities. The concluding phase is executing. Members find solutions to jobs utilizing appropriate controls. They work collaboratively and care about each other. The group established as a alone individuality and the members are mutualist and they have increased focal point on the undertaking. hypertext transfer protocol: // co-ordinator is a person-oriented leader. This individual is swearing, accepting, dominant and is committed to team ends and aims. The co-ordinator is a positive mind who approves of end attainment, battle and attempt in others. The co-ordinator is person tolerant plenty ever to listen to others, but strong plenty to reject their adviceMakerThe maker is a task-focused leader who abounds in nervous energy, who has a high motive to accomplish and for whom winning is the name of the game. The maker is committed to accomplishing terminals and will ‘shape ‘ others into accomplishing the purposes of the squad.PlantThe works is a specialist thought shaper characterised by high IQ and invagination while besides being dominant and original. The works tends to take extremist attacks to team operation and jobs. Plants are more concerned with major issues than with inside informations.Resource Inves tigatorThe resource research worker is the executive who is ne'er in his room, and if he is, he is on the telephone. The resource research worker is person who explores chances and develops contacts. Resource research workers are good negotiants who probe others for information and support and pick up other ‘s thoughts and develop them. They are characterised by sociableness and enthusiasm and are good at liaison work and researching resources outside the groupTeam workerTeam workers make helpful intercessions to debar possible clash and enable hard characters within the squad to utilize their accomplishments to positive terminals. They tend to maintain squad spirit up and let other members to lend efficaciously. Their diplomatic accomplishments together with their sense of temper are assets to a squad. They tend to hold accomplishments in hearing, get bying with awkward people and to be sociable. sensitive and people orientedCompany worker/ implementerImplementers are cogniza nt of external duties and are disciplined, painstaking and have a good self-image. They tend to be unsentimental and practical, swearing and tolerant, esteeming established traditions. They are characterised by low anxiousness and be given to work for the squad in a practical, realistic manner. Implementers figure conspicuously in places of duty in larger administrations. They tend to make the occupations that others do non desire to make and make them good: for illustration, training employees.Completer closersThe completer finisher dots the I ‘s and crosses the T ‘s. He or she gives attending to detail, purposes to finish and to make so exhaustively. They make steady attempt and are consistent in their work. They are non so interested in the glamor of dramatic success.SpecialistThe specializer provides cognition and proficient accomplishments which are in rare supply within the squad. They are frequently extremely introspective and dying and be given to be self-startin g, dedicated and committedTeam ManagemenArtifical barriers between leaders and led are merely one obstruction to true teamwork. Interdepartmental and cross-functional competitions – what Americans call ‘turf wars ‘ – are other serious hurdlings, made worse by the fact that they are seldom overcome. They ‘re known in athletics, excessively. Try to carry rugger forwards that they can larn from dorsums, or frailty versa, and you ‘ll normally acquire no more alteration than when carrying selling to work ( as it should ) hand-in-glove with production, or either to collaborate volitionally with finance. The accomplishments indispensable to the modern director therefore include the ability to work with other functional endowments in squads – and to take, non by the authorization of bid, but that of expertness. Team leading, paradoxically, includes cognizing when to manus over the lead to others, as their expertness moves to the bow. In games, this stems of course from the functional demands. Merely the signal caller can name the dramas in American football: in rugger, lineout tactics are every bit an adept map. A squad relys on its leader to acquire them through.Team benefitAll squads are groups of persons but non all groups of persons needfully show the coherence of a squad. Teams outperform persons because squads generate a particular energy. This energy develops as squad members work together blending their personal energies and endowments to present touchable public presentation consequences. There are a figure of benefits for teamwork, among them are: Distributing the work load Reinforcing single capablenesss Making engagement and engagement Making better determinations Feeling like we play a portion in the work being done Generating a diverseness of thoughts, etc.Teams have become the latest direction compulsion. They ‘re the corporate equivalent of a Visa card: they ‘re everyplace you want to be. Directors, school principals everyplace in the universe are endeavoring to put up efficient teamwork processs in their constitutions.Trouble is that despite their ubiquitousness and their ubiquity, squads seldom achieve discovery consequences. Alternatively, they sink to the degree of the weakest performing artist and maintain excavation. The mistake lies non with the squad or its members, but with those who took a group of persons, charged them with unlikely ends, staffed them with uninspired leading and expected them to work as a squad. Contrast that to an organized, well-oiled, and disciplined squad, one in which the whole is greater than the amount of its parts. Such groups allow members to accomplish consequences far beyond their single abilities. The sarcasm is that when the demands of the group take precedence, the demands of the single really are enhanced.High public presentation squads do non ensue from self-generated burning. They are grown, nurtured and exercised. It takes a batch of difficult work and skill to intermix the different personalities, abilities, and docketsCommunicationCommunicationCommunication is an exchange of facts, thoughts, sentiments by two or more individuals. Communication is the procedure of go throughing information & A ; understanding from one individual to another.It is the procedure of leaving thoughts & A ; malking oneself understood by other. Communication is the transmittal & A ; interchange of facts, thoughts, feelings, or class of action. The interchange of idea or information to convey about common apprehension and assurance or good human relation. In communicating theoretical account we use the construct of Berlo ‘s Model hypertext transfer protocol: // of Barlo ‘s theoretical account: –Beginning Does he hold a bid over linguistic communication? What is his attitude towards the receiving system? Third what is his degree of cognition? Does he talk as a member of a group ; spiritual, political, or commercial? Does he belong to a extremely advanced civilization or he comes from some crude folk Message: A message contains content or affair. It appears in some linguistic communication from such as English or Gallic or in picture signifier. Channels: Channel stands for the medium in which the message reaches the receiving system. It may be natural, one of the senses – visual perception, hearing, touching, smelling and savoring. Receiver: The receiving system excessively, like the beginning has skill, attitude, cognition and civilization context. If the receiving system and the beginning have positive attitudes towards the subject, communicating become easy.TIME MANAGEMENTThis is the most of import construct in this assignment every bit good as our twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours activity.The â€Å" Three Ps †of Effective Time Management: –Planing Precedences ProcrastinationTen Myths about Time: –Myth: Time can be managed. Myth: The longer or harder you work the more you accomplish. Myth: If you want something done right, do it yourself. Myth: You are n't supposed to bask work. Myths: We should take pride in working hard. Myth: You should seek to make the most in the least sum of clip. Myth: Technology will assist you do it better, faster. Myth: Do one thing at a clip. Myth: Handle paper merely one time. Myth: Get more done and you ‘ll be happier. As I got closer to the terminal of this assignment, I realized that we were really trained how to use the resources to go a better leader every bit good as director. As a director it is really indispensable to do optimal usage of the limited resources that will be provided for 1s undertaking. At the same clip, a director should besides hold tantamount accomplishments and do certain his/her employee is up to the grade to derive better competitory advantage and a higher market value for the intent of development and success of the organisation. For a director, a section with the lowest staff turnover is ever better for the direction and shows the excellence of the director pull offing his/her squad.ASSIGNMENT 2Learning Style‘The procedure of increasing cognition and accomplishments and developing our attitudes or beliefs so that we have the chance for increased pick ‘ ( Thorpe and Clifford, 2000 ) . This attack to larning stress the fact that persons perceive and process information in really different ways. The acquisition styles theory implies that how much persons learn has more to make with whether the educational experience is geared toward their peculiar manner of larning than whether or non they are â€Å" smart. †In fact, pedagogues should non inquire, â€Å" Is this pupil smart? †but instead â€Å" How is this pupil smart? †Different type of larning mannerInguisticThis type of scholar loves to read, compose, and state narratives. They tend to memorise topographic points, day of the months, names, and trivia really easy, and are ever magnetizing you with their unbelievable narratives. They have a singular ability to reiterate back everything you have of all time told them, word for word. 2.logical This kid is really mathematically inclined. They enjoy work outing jobs, peculiarly if they are math related.. They will blight you with inquiries on how things work, how things relate to one another, and why things are here. Their favourite playthings as immature kids were likely edifice blocks, and pattern mystifiers. 3.spatial These are the visualisers. They spend most of the twenty-four hours dreaming, watching films, and remaining as far off from world as possible. If they seem peculiarly â€Å" down †, inquiring them to pull a image will acquire you much further into the nature of the job, than inquiring them to state you about it. 4.musical if your kid is ever walking around the house humming a melody, or ever needs music to analyze by, so he/she is likely a musical scholar. This type of scholar is best at detecting inside informations, pitches, and rhythms that escape the normal hearer. 5.bodily This type of scholar is ever on the move. They invariably walk about, they have to touch everything, and they use body linguistic communication to convey their feelings. They would instead play athleticss or make a trade than sit down and read a book. They need active instruction! Keep them traveling. 6.interpersonal These are the â€Å" societal butterflies †. They adapt easy to any type of societal state of affairs, have many friends and are first-class leaders. They are patient, understanding, and really empathic, which makes them a favourite among their playfellows. They by and large make good leaders because of their ability to intercede struggle, and are frequently referred to as â€Å" the Peacemaker †of the household. 7.intrapersonal iunderstanding of themselves. They pride themselves on being independent and original, and they tend to stand out from the crowd without even seeking. They are the â€Å" strong, soundless type †. Kolb ‘s Learning theoryLearning is the procedure whereby cognition is created through the transmutation of experience †Kolb ( 1984, 38 )â€Å" a comprehensive theory which offers the foundation for an attack to instruction and acquisition as a womb-to-tomb procedure and which is soundbased rational traditions of doctrine and cognitive and societal psychologyklb4kind Divergers – position state of affairss from many positions and rely to a great extent upon brainstorming and coevals of thoughtsLearners – usage inductive logical thinking and have the ability to make theoretical theoretical accountsConvergers – rely to a great extent on hypothetical-deductive logical thinkingObligers – carry out programs and experiments and adapt to immediate fortunesDavid Kolb stated that for true acquisition to take topographic point, we need to hold an experience, reflect upon this experience, make sense of it ( frequently through making theories ) and eventually use our theories to our lives by be aftering what we would make following clip we were in the same or similar state of affairs.HONEY AND MUMFORD ‘S Learning STYLESThere are four type of honey and mumford acquisition manner Militant Reflector Theorist Pragmatist Degree centigrades: UsersANUJDownloadsPicture1.png Militant Militants are people who learn through making and prefer activity-based development. They dislike sitting still for long periods and will therefore non respond good to talks or extremely brooding activity. Militants are gabby, lively and like to be involved – they enjoy the ‘here and now ‘ . The methods through which they will prefer to larn involve exercisings, jobs, undertakings, play and exhilaration. Reflectors Reflectors enjoy reexamining and sing state of affairss and events. When asked a inquiry, they tend to sit back and believe about the reply before reacting When they join a treatment their part will be good thought out. Brooding scholars like to see issues from a scope of different positions and will experience uncomfortable if they are put into the spotlight without anterior warning ; when taking methods for them, guarantee that they will hold the clip required for contemplation to take topographic point Theorists Theorists like to cognize the theories behind a piece of larning or the thoughts that back up remarks that are being made. They prefer to larn from research, informations, theoretical accounts and information. They do non get by good when they are asked to make something without being told why and without underpinning grounds or theory. Theorists like logic and are rational and analytical – in a learning state of affairs, they like their development activities to hold construction and intent ; they will be uncomfortable with high emotion and feelings. Pragmatists Pragmatists prefer practicality to theory and larn efficaciously when they are able to use the acquisition to their state of affairs and the existent universe. They learn best when provided with true to life undertakings, instead than being given ‘woolly ‘ constructs that they are unable to associate to their day-to-day life. They seek out new thoughts and want to seek them out, pulling links between the topic and their current occupation.Vark theoretical accountThe acronym VARK stands for Visual, Aural, Read/write, and Kinesthetic sensory modes that are used for larning information. Fleming and Mills ( 1992 ) suggested four classs that seemed to reflect the experiences VARK larning manner shows that I am a reading/writing penchant scholar followed by ocular and kinaesthetic scholar. The ocular and kinaesthetic scholar features are similar to the result of both the Belbin and Honey Mumford theory. Harmonizing to the Honey Mumford larning manner, Belbin ‘s theory and VARK theory, I am so a individual who learns better when theories and techniques are put into pattern. I specifically prefer to larn from new experiences every bit good, doing me a individual who likes to make more physical and custodies on activities compared to larning new faculties through theories. For illustration, learning and prep aration stuffs are absorbed faster and efficaciously when I perform them through tutorial or lab activities.According to the VARK acquisition theory, I learn best when theories that are taught are absorbed via talks and notes written from talks harmonizing to personal penchants. For illustration, during talks, I learn best when I write lecture notes and rewrite it over and over once more. A reading and composing penchant scholar would interpret diagrams and charts into their ain words to larn betterf the pupils and instructor.Visual ( V )This penchant includes the word picture of information in maps, spider diagrams, charts, graphs, flow charts, labelled diagrams, and all the symbolic pointers, circles, hierarchies and other devices, that teachers use to stand for what could hold been presented in words. It could hold been called Graphic ( G ) as that better explains what it covers. It doesA NOTA include films, pictures or PowerPoint. It does include designs, whitespace, forms, form s and the different formats that are used to foreground and convey information.Kinaesthetic ( K ) :By definition, this mode refers to the â€Å" perceptual penchant related to the usage of experience and pattern ( simulated or existent ) . †Although such an experience may raise other modes, the key is that people who prefer this manner are connected to world, â€Å" either through concrete personal experiences, illustrations, pattern or simulation †[ See Fleming & A ; Mills, 1992, pp. 140-141 ] . It includes presentations, simulations, pictures and films of â€Å" existent †things, every bit good as instance surveies, pattern and applications. AUDITORY-learners who would love to sit contrary and pay attending. They do n't do a batch of notes READ/WRITE- scholars who need to read the information for themselves and theyA take a set of notes CONCLUSSION VARK theoretical account proved that I m a KINESTHETIC scholar. I can sit long for focussed on a peculiar subject. But other than KINESTHETIC I am a weak scholar. And I feel that this is my weak point and I want to decide it. Now i am seeking to consider on a peculiar subject by sitting actively like a ocular scholar. Now i am concentrating on the reading/writing portion by reading more and more books and different diaries or assignments. But I feel that kinesthetic is non an existent manner which should be learned because kinesthetic is a individual who can non concentrate much more so I did non belong to it. I strongly believe that I should spread out that peculiar larning theory along with the remainder that I already pattern. As a group member we should make some new thoughts all the clip and these thoughts can be practical or theoretical. From Honey Mumford theory I came to cognize that I m a militant so I decided to larn the other acquisition manners that the VARK appraisal sho wed as I do non see any injury in larning new theoretical faculties. I really feel that with this faculty we will develop our accomplishments, cognition, preparation and many more. We know our value and importance in a group. This faculty besides helps us to understand the squad direction, different communicating accomplishments, and clip direction and captures the different manners of acquisition.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Its a Mans World Essays
Its a Mans World Essays Its a Mans World Essay Its a Mans World Essay Where do women stand in a mans world? It is a mans world. Men are higher paid, have more options and are overall more noticed in the world than women. But this is not to say that women are left flailing away helplessly at the bottom of the gender food chain or hidden somewhere in the shadows or mans success, because many would argue those mens lives are greatly dependent on women. It is a well known fact that men in general have been known to achieve to a much higher standard than women in the financial world. The top 15 billionaires are all ale except for one female who inherited the money from her belated husband. While these men sit comfortably at one end of the spectrum, many women are located at the complete other end of the extremes occupied by unpaid work. Unpaid work is known to women all over the world from women collecting wood and walking kilometers to find water in Africa to cooking and cleaning in households Just like our own. However, because this type of work does not produce any financial profit alone it is often considered economically redundant and worthless. The truth is that this mind of work is essential for the workings of the rest of society and the existence of the paid work force itself. In 1999 unpaid work was calculated to be valued at 40 million dollars which was equivalent to 39% of the NZ gross domestic product and in 2006 a New Zealand survey showed that women are still more likely to do unpaid work than men. This type of work may be taken up time that could be used to do paid work, but it is this kind of work allows others to get out of the house and do paid work which is why mens financial success is greatly dependent on women.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Choriocarcinoma Essays
Choriocarcinoma Essays Choriocarcinoma Paper Choriocarcinoma Paper Choriocarcinoma Introduction            Choriocarcinoma, also called gestational trophoblastic disease, is a form of cancer with relatively low epidemiological occurrence. It is known to typically originate from trophoblastic cells, as this cancer is generally developed from germ cells with placental tissue origin. Trophoblastic cells are known to assist in the attachment of an embryo to the uterus and help placental formation. These mentioned cells normally transform into tissues functioning for the process of reproduction. It is a rare type of tumor, as it has an incidence rate of 1 in every 2,000 pregnancies, which is both anaplastic and invasive. It is highly metastatic. However, it is curable even in conditions of rapid and widespread uncontrolled cellular proliferation (Ajufo 83; Spickler, paragraph 1; Hamada et al. 4873; Ghaemmaghami 937).            This cancer is usually observed after pregnancy, â€Å"which may be partial or complete hydatidiform mole, or even an apparently normal pregnancy†(Ajufo 83). Since this disease is due to complications in an individuals trophoblastic tissues, chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) is synthesized and released in large quantities (see Figure 1). Therefore, part of the indicators of the presence of the disease is this abnormal level of hCG. This is constantly monitored during treatment, as its quantity is directly related to the size of the tumor. If detected during its earlier stages, there is a high probability that the patient will survive the disease (Ajufo 83).            Alternative names given to this disease include â€Å"chorioblastoma, trophoblastic tumor, chorioepithelioma, invasive/malignant mole, and gestational trophoblastic neoplasia†(Nanda, paragraph 1). Choriocarcinomas can metastasize through the blood and reach other parts of the body including the lungs. They frequently form inside the uterus after the process of fertilization (National Cancer Institute, paragraph 1). Etiology and Symptoms            Choriocarcinoma (see Figure 2) is typically derived from germ cells that normally differentiate into sperm or egg cells. Morphologically similar to uterine cells surrounding an embryo, Choriocarcinomas are commonly found in reproductive organs. More often observed in cases of young adults, this cancer generally develops from the testes or ovaries. Most cases demonstrate that this disease usually forms in the uterus. It characteristically develops after the appearance of a mole during after pregnancy or miscarriage. In addition, this form of cancer is also found in organs other than the reproductive ones. These are called extragonadal tumors that are typically acquired by male young adults (Spickler, paragraph 2; Nanda, paragraphs 1-3).            Choriocarcinoma is frequently acquired through the damage in the genetic material of the cell. There is higher tendency for those afflicted with Klinefelter syndrome to develop this disease due to the existence of an extra Barr body in their sex chromosome, therefore increasing the occurrence of â€Å"extragonadal germ cell tumors†(Spickler, paragraph 3; Nanda, paragraph 4).            Most symptoms of this disease depend on the tumor location in the body. If the origin and concentration is in the uterus, patients typically manifest bleeding. Female patients suffer from constant vaginal bleeding after recently having hydatidiform mole, abortion and even pregnancy. If this occurs in the ovary, increased waistline and pain in this area are some of the subtle manifestations of the disease. Patients are also found to have ovarian cysts and their hCG levels are extremely maintained at high levels. In male testes, these usually occur as lumps without inducing pain. Choriocarcinomas have high rates of spreading to different tissues and organs, which gives bleeding symptoms (Spickler, paragraph 5; Nanda, paragraph 7). Pulmonary presentations of this disease include â€Å"haemoptysis, dyspnoea, pleuritic pain, and cough without haemoptysis†(Magrath et al. 633). When this cancer reaches the brain, the patient usually suffe rs from a stroke (Spickler, paragraph 5) due to intracranial pressure, accompanied by papilloedema and repeated unconsciousness (Magrath et al. 634). Epidemiology            Most incidences of choriocarcinoma are preceeded by the formation of a hyadatidiform mole. It is the main precursor in the development of a highly malignant disease of trophoblastic cells. Its has relative occurrences among populations from different parts of the world. In Europe and North American continents, there is one choriocarcinoma patient for every 30,000-40,000 pregnant women. It also has an incidence rate of 1 in every 40 molar pregnancies. In the Southeast Asian region, for every 500-3000 pregnancies, at least one individual is afflicted. When scientists assessed the relative incidences of the disease among races, including whites, blacks, and other races, it was found that black women are most susceptible to choriocarcinoma (Wells 984). Diagnosis and Treatment            Oncologists conduct several procedures in order to accurately diagnose a patient for choriocarcinoma. This includes physical examinations and organ tests aided by findings from x-rays and ultrasound instruments. Medical professionals instruct patients to undergo pelvic examinations in order to test for the presence of uterine tumor, while others are ordered to subject themselves to quantitative serum hCG test. This hormone is also monitored in order to assess the effectiveness of the treatment given to a patient. Computed Tomography (CT) scans and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans are also used in detecting metastases in the brain (Spickler, paragraphs 6-7; Nanda, paragraph 10).            Examinations are done on individuals in order to ensure the presence or absence of metastatic activities. Once a patient is tested positive in the appropriate tests administered by his physician, he is usually subjected to several treatment options. These include surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. Several occasions require for hysterectomy (see Figure 3). Uterine removal through surgery, to be conducted (Spickler, paragraph 8; Nanda, paragraphs 13-14).            There are other treatments that patients may choose to undergo in managing their disease. But most of them are only complementary to the mentioned available treatment for choriocarcinoma, as they give optimal results through concerted effects. Exercises such as yoga and meditation or prayer are proven helpful in reducing stress levels and cancer treatment side effects. Massage and music therapy are also claimed to produce positive results (Spickler, paragraph 9). Prognosis            Patients with choriocarcinoma often manifest excellent prognosis. Although there is a rapid rate of metastasis, this form of cancer is highly curable. Statistics reveal that approximately 90% are able to maintain normal functioning of their reproductive systems even after treatment, while almost 66% women with initial pessimism successfully achieve remission (Nanda, paragraph 16). Chemotherapy is also proven reliable and effective; as it results in 80-90% remission rate in cases it is applied. Even after having the disease and having been successfully treated, women are still able to undergo normal pregnancies and deliveries (Spickler, paragraph 10).            There are, however, several cases when patients encounter poor prognosis. Such conditions are due to rapid uncontrolled metastatic activities throughout the human body. Individuals do not manifest optimal response to the chemotherapy sessions, and even if the treatment seems effective the final result highly depends on the extent of cancer dispersal. In general, poorer prognosis is observed in patients where the cancer has metastasized all the way to the liver or brain, if the patient has extremely high hCG levels, and if the cancer is extragonadal in nature (Spickler, paragraph 11). Conclusion            Choriocarcinoma is a rare type of cancer that demonstrates positive prognosis relative to other types. Although scientists are still to determine prevention methods against this disease, patients afflicted are more likely to survive the illness. With all the technological advances that the medical field is currently exploiting, many can hope to find the proper cure and treatment for this cancer that has invaded their systems. Ajufo, I. I., S. W. Lindow, and S. H. Canty. â€Å"Choriocarcinoma with markedly elevated serum     hCG levels and negative urin hCG levels.†Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,    26(2006):83-85. â€Å"Choriocarcinoma.†National Cancer Institute. 18 February 2008   Ghaemmaghami, F., N. Behtash, H. Ayatollahi, and P. Hanjani. â€Å"Successful treatment of two      patients with gestational trophoblastic neoplasm presenting with emergent neurologic    symptoms.†International Journal of Gynecological Cancer, 16 (2006): 884-943. Hamada, Anna Lissa, Koji Nakabayashi, Asomi Sato, Kenji Kiyoshi, Yukou Takamatsu, Jovelle B. Laoag-Fernandez, Noriyuki Ohara, and Takeshi Maruo. â€Å"Transfection of Antisense Chorionic Gonadotropin B Gene into Choriocarcinoma Cells Suppresses        the Cell Proliferation and Induces Apoptosis.†The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology         and Metabolism. 90(2005):4873-4879. Magrath, I. T., P. R. Golding, K. D. Bagshawe. â€Å"Medical Presentations of Choriocarcinoma.†    British Medical Journal, 2(1971):633-637. Nanda, Rita. â€Å"Gestational Trophoblastic Disease.†11 September 2006. Medline Plus. 18 February 2008 Spickler, Anna Rovid. â€Å"Choriocarcinoma.†14 August 2006. Health A to Z. 18 February 2008             requestURI=/healthatoz/Atoz/ency/choriocarcinoma.jsp. Tran, Huy A. â€Å"Biochemical tests for abnormalities in pregnancy.†Australian Precriber,    29(2006):48-52. Well, Michael. â€Å"The pathology of gestational trophoblastic disease: recent advances.†Pathology 39(2007):88-96.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Analyse the iconography, conventions and audience expectations (Grant, Essay - 2
Analyse the iconography, conventions and audience expectations (Grant, 2007) of one film genre & assess how (and if) they have changed over time - Essay Example Generally, the film ends with the hero who is the embodiment of goodness and morality triumphing over the villain and more often than not â€Å"getting the girl†. The action film genre undoubtedly consists of some of the most popular and universally watched films and most people irrespective of their age have an action film or hero they admire. The older generation is likely to associate and relate to retrospective stars such as John Wayne and Chuck Norris while the youths may find action to be synonymous with contemporary actors such as The Rock and the recently deceased Paul Walker. Given the complex and fantastic plots involved, most action films are high budget and often require a great deal of CGI effects, which are gradually replacing, although not entirely the highly skilled actors and stuntmen from earlier films. The objective of this paper is to discuss the nature of action films today paying particular attention to the convections, iconography and audience expectatio ns, all which play a major role in defining and differentiation of the genre (Grant, 2007). In the west, popularly portrayed as the â€Å"wild west†by most artistic work of the time, the 20s and 30s were the foundational years for the action and adventure genre. These films were popularized by actors like Douglas Fairbanks and Errol Flynn but the setting predominantly appeared to be a period ones (Marin, 1993). However, with time modern day action films such as the James Bond franchise gradually popularized acting in the present and in the 60s and 70s, although there were still many popular period films majority of the mainstream action were based on present day. The bond films that were among the most popular were characterized with fast action quick cutting vehicle chases hand-to-hand combat and comparatively complex action scenes and sequences. The James bond franchise set the trend for future action and thriller films and
Friday, November 1, 2019
Recognizing and Rewarding Employees Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Recognizing and Rewarding Employees - Essay Example There are not many workers who like to strive lacking a sporadic type of appreciation, plus in a few cases an easy verbal recognition is adequate and keenly acknowledged. Credit can be conveyed in a lot of ways. Reflect on now saying Thank you. What does this cost Praise is not expensive. It is one of the most efficient ways to support a corporation's culture, sustain its aims, and also preserve high performers. The non verbal recognition implies the recognition of an individual/team preferred behavior, attempt or trade effect that supports the corporation's aims and morals. Several studies during the past have explored that what employees wish for from their jobs is not essentially enhanced benefits otherwise more cash (Bowen, 2000, pg212). Being liberal with the verbal praise, although simply when it is earnest. Fake praise is revolting. So state sufficient regarding what the worker did to illustrate that an individual actually appreciates also utters it persuasively. Do not overlook the act of recognizing employees who do pleasing jobs. Anybody who holds out the errands passed on to them plays their role in the firm's success. Identifying superior work even if it implies usual responsibilities. Workers reaction to verbal praise will differ, founded on th
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