Thursday, August 27, 2020
Squeakers Mate Essay Example For Students
Squeakers Mate Essay Having perused the two stories squeakers mate by Barbara Baynton and the drovers spouse by Henry Lawson I favored the drovers wife and in this bit of composing I will clarify why. Both of these accounts are short stories and are set in the out back in Australia in the mid twentieth century. One thing which could have made an alternate to the manner in which every accounts was composed was that a drovers spouse was composed by a male while squeakers mate was composed by a female. These accounts considered the issues ladies had around there and time. We will compose a custom paper on Squeakers Mate explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now I favored the plot of squeakers mate since I felt it gave out a more grounded message of how ladies were dealt with. It demonstrated feeling and made me feels engaged with that feeling. I felt increasingly upset for the ladies in this story as she had accomplished such a great deal for this man and he had never really return. She had gone from being in finished force and to having nothing. This was a pivot as the man relied upon her to thoroughly take care of him as he was extremely languid and after the mishap she was totally subject to him for food and water. The man totally forsake her on severaly events. I felt the story streamed better and I could comprehend what was occurring without returning and read it again to comprehend. It gave a colossal effect on me to how powerless she became and that her mate couldn't have cared less for her appropriately, she was being gotten through agony. It went however boundaries of control and she was left defenseless, while she used to be in finished control. This would have been hard for her since her character is sorted out and she jumps at the chance to complete everything on schedule and appropriately so to not have power over even the littlest things would have been hard for her. I however the drovers spouse as not as amazing as the message was not as solid and didnt greatly affect me enthusiastic for the ladies. I didn't have as much compassion toward the characters as it was not composed also, the account didn't stream too so I at times got confounded while understanding it and needed to return once more. In the drovers spouse she had kids to help her in her concerns. The principle characters in squeakers mate were the man and the ladies (mates) and the subsequent ladies. The ladies additionally had a pooch, which was her partner. The man was uninformed, lethargic and inept. He didn't appear to truly think about his mate has when the tree fell on her he didn't help she offended her and he couldn't have cared less for her appropriately a while later either. All the work, which the ladies generally did, was left fixed in light of the fact that the man would not accomplish all the work. The lady in this story is sorted out, likes to take care of business, mindful, and has a ton of tolerance. She has patients with her self as well as with her mate and appears to endure a ton of sadness. These two don't have a generally excellent working or individual relationship together I think the ladies is the just one accomplishing the work in the relationship. The womens hound is exceptionally submissive he is her solitary buddy they have a generally excellent relationship and despite the fact that he is a canine it appears as though he gets her and what she is feeling. The pooch is extremely defensive of her for instance when the other lady in the story attempts to arrive at the water her assaults the ladies to secure this story none of the names of the charcters are referenced I think this is to give the impact that they are captives of marriage since slaves are never named or it is simply to make the charcters second, nothing individuals or to cause it a less close to home story so we to can change the circumstance to accommodate our own not naming them you are fortifying their modest job. .u959d3b26a4a6b9c66fb4ec041fdf662c , .u959d3b26a4a6b9c66fb4ec041fdf662c .postImageUrl , .u959d3b26a4a6b9c66fb4ec041fdf662c .focused content region { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u959d3b26a4a6b9c66fb4ec041fdf662c , .u959d3b26a4a6b9c66fb4ec041fdf662c:hover , .u959d3b26a4a6b9c66fb4ec041fdf662c:visited , .u959d3b26a4a6b9c66fb4ec041fdf662c:active { border:0!important; } .u959d3b26a4a6b9c66fb4ec041fdf662c .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u959d3b26a4a6b9c66fb4ec041fdf662c { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; mistiness: 1; change: obscurity 250ms; webkit-progress: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u959d3b26a4a6b9c66fb4ec041fdf662c:active , .u959d3b26a4a6b9c66fb4ec041fdf662c:hover { darkness: 1; change: murkiness 250ms; webkit-progress: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u959d3b26a4a6b9c66fb4ec041fdf662c .focused content territory { width: 100%; position: rel ative; } .u959d3b26a4a6b9c66fb4ec041fdf662c .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-improvement: underline; } .u959d3b26a4a6b9c66fb4ec041fdf662c .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u959d3b26a4a6b9c66fb4ec041fdf662c .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; outskirt sweep: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: intense; line-stature: 26px; moz-outskirt span: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-enhancement: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .u959d3b26a4a6b9c66fb4ec041fdf662c:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u959d3b26a4a6 b9c66fb4ec041fdf662c .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u959d3b26a4a6b9c66fb4ec041fdf662c-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u959d3b26a4a6b9c66fb4ec041fdf662c:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: The last scene 'Of Mice and Men' EssayI feel the ladies in the a drovers spouse doesn't have as pleasant a character and I feel for different ladies more. I think her circumstance isn't exactly so awful and that I have greater pity for different ladies. The two of them become subject to their man however surely squeakers mate is to the more extreme. Having investigated these issues I despite everything feel squeakers mate was the better story. In the two stories the creator takes a gander at the womens place in the general public, the hard and diverse way of life they have in the Australian out back. There is an absence of instruction and marriage circumstances were not generally excellent. I accept that took care of these circumstances better it utilized more feelings and more grounded sentiments of the granulating neediness of squeakers mate. In general I believe that squeakers mate utilizes better language and direct discourse to show the characters emotions successfully, it utilizes conversational language. This implied I could comprehend the climate and setting better giving me a more clear thought of the characters and sentiments so I could comprehend the story better. As I have said the principle motivation behind why I thought squeakers mate was the better story was on the grounds that I felt for the ladies more. The story utilized feeling vastly improved by utilizing extraordinary conditions.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Alzheimers Disease Neurobiology, Causes And Treatments Of Essays
Alzheimers Disease : Neurobiology, Causes And Treatments Of Alzheimers infection : Neurobiology, causes and medications of Alzheimer's Disease (AD) is one of the most well-known of the twisting sicknesses. A dynamic, degenerative sickness that assaults the mind, causing impeded memory, thinking and conduct. An individual with Alzhiemers Disease may encounter character and conduct changes, impeded judgment, disarray and trouble completing considerations, following headings or in any event, finding the correct word to state in a discussion. When best in class the victim may require an overseer as every day tasks become hard to achieve. Proof focuses toward amyloid as one of the primary driver for the happening cytotoxic procedures. Scientists have seen that degeneration shows up as brought about by impedance with intracellular calcium homeostasis by means of enactment of calcium channels, intracellular calcium stores, and further creation of free radicals by calcium-touchy chemicals. The glutamatergic framework is by all accounts engaged with interceding the poisonous procedures. In the cerebrum, the nerve cells in the part that controls memory and believing are harmed, this intrudes on the section of messages between imparting cells. The phones experience particular changes, these are called neuritic plaques (gatherings of deteriorating nerve cell closes) and neurofibrillary tangles (gatherings of curved fibers which gather in beforehand sound nerve cells). The cortex (utilized for intuition) of the cerebrum contracts, the spaces in the focal point of the mind become expanded causing decrease of the surface zone in the cerebrum. Side effects of AD generally happen in more established grown-ups and are the ones most in danger, in spite of the fact that individuals in their 40s and 5Os may likewise be influenced. The side effects incorporate lost scholarly limit, loss of language abilities which may incorporate experiencing difficulty discovering words, poor or diminished judgment, issues with conceptual deduction, bewilderment set up and time, changes in state of mind or conduct and changes in character. Promotion doesn't separate, it influences any race, socio foundation or sex similarly. The great side effect of absent mindedness is a piece of the ordinary maturing process and as a rule starts in early middle age, be that as it may, typical distraction varies from Alzheimer's Disease from multiple points of view. The reason for Alzheimer's Disease isn't actually known. Suspected causes experiencing research are neurological harm, concoction lacks, infections, natural poisons and glitches in the body's sickness barrier frameworks and hereditary qualities. There is additionally proof of a somewhat expanded danger of heridity of AD among kids, siblings and sisters of patients with this infection. It is likewise critical to take note of that AD must be analyzed 100% after death through an examination of the influenced subjects cerebrum tissue. About 33% of post-mortems turn up an alternate conclusion and in this way relatives are urged to request a post-mortem examination as a commitment to the investigation of the ailment and about the hereditary qualities of AD. There is no single clinical test for AD. It is typically analyzed by precluding all other treatable or hopeless reasons for memory misfortune. A positive analysis of this infection must be made by infinitesimally examining a little bit of cerebrum tissue in the afterlife. The cerebral cortex of an Alzheimer victims mind will have trademark irregularities, for example, cells damaged by plaques and tangles. A working determination can be made however through different testing techniques that incorporate a total physical just as neurological and mental assessments. Right now there is no positive fix or treatment for AD, in spite of the fact that there are numerous providers of items which guarantee to support victims, however the items are increasingly similar to over-estimated fake treatments with no archived proof of mitigation of the ailment among victims, yet glutamate receptor-specific medications, a few cell reinforcements, nitric oxide synthase inhibitors, calcium channel enemies, receptor or protein inhibitors, and development factors guarantee future assistance in restoring this malady. Mixes of medications that demonstration at various levels may likewise draw out the victims life/wellbeing. Individuals determined to have Alzheimer's Disease can live somewhere in the range of 2 to 20 years after memory misfortune side effects begin to surface. It abbreviates the victims expected life expectancy, yet through suitable consideration and clinical consideration the patients oftenlive for a long time. Passing can't for the most part be anticipated until the end stages where manifestations are approaching their more regrettable. A few patients in late or terminal-stage Alzheimer's will in general get in shape and experience issues gulping, challenges with bladder control, strolling and talking. They are additionally known to twist into a
Friday, August 21, 2020
Simple College Level Essay Samples - How To Find The Best Ones For Your Essay
Simple College Level Essay Samples - How To Find The Best Ones For Your EssayHave you ever considered how important college level essays are to getting into a good college? If you can't write a good essay on your own, you have to go back and spend many hours with a tutor before you will be accepted to the college of your choice.However, it is still possible to gain some more experience of course, and so you can go back and get some extra work done as well. College level essays are very important for two reasons. The first one is that they can make or break you being accepted to a college.If you are accepted to a good college by having a good essay, then you will be happy because you will have a very good chance to be accepted to that college. This is what getting into the best colleges is all about after all.Another reason why college level essays are important is that it can give you some time to actually improve your writing skills on top of a regular basis. A good essay that you w rite can help you improve in other areas of your life as well.College level essays also have other benefits as well, and these include that they provide a means for you to be able to show off your writing abilities and also give you a way to know how you are doing. This is the reason why college level essays are used for admissions purposes, as well as to let potential employers know how competent you are.The main thing is that you have to use college-level essays for their main purpose. They are a great way to showcase your ability to write well.After all, it is very important that your essay shows your great skill and talent in the field of writing. You want to show off your abilities to write for some students. If you are not sure where to get simple college level essay samples, then you should start looking online as soon as possible. There are many websites online that you can look up and find the sample essay for your writing needs.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Friday, May 15, 2020
Cool Things to Do With Dry Ice - Chemistry
Dry ice is the solid form of carbon dioxide. It is called dry ice because its frozen, yet never melts into a liquid. Dry ice sublimates or makes the transition directly from frozen solid into carbon dioxide gas. If you are lucky enough to get some dry ice, there are lot of projects you can try. Here are some of my favorite cool things to do with dry ice. Homemade Dry Ice - First you need dry ice, so if you dont have any, make it! Dry Ice Fog - The classic project is to put a chunk of dry ice in hot water, causing it to produce clouds of vapor or fog. Dry Ice Crystal Ball - Place a piece of dry ice in a bowl or cup containing bubble solution. Wet a towel with bubble solution and pull it across the lip of the bowl, trapping the carbon dioxide into a giant bubble that resembles a crystal ball. Frozen Bubble - Freeze a soap bubble over a piece of dry ice. The bubble will appear to float in the air over the dry ice. Fizzy Fruit - Freeze strawberries or other fruit using dry ice. Carbon dioxide bubbles become trapped in the fruit, making it fizzy and carbonated. Singing or Screaming Spoon - Press any metal object against a piece of dry ice and it will appear to sing or scream as it vibrates. Dry Ice Ice Cream - You can use dry ice to make instant ice cream. Because carbon dioxide gas is released, the resulting ice cream is bubbly and carb onated, sort of like an ice cream float. Dry Ice Bubbles - Place a piece of dry ice in bubble solution. Fog-filled bubbles will form. Popping them releases dry ice fog, which is a cool effect. Simulate a Comet - Simulate a comet using dry ice and a few other simple materials. It will even produce a tail like a real comet. Dry Ice Jack-o-Lantern - Make a cool Halloween jack-o-lantern that spews dry ice fog. Dry Ice Erupting Volcano Cake - While you cant eat dry ice, you can use it as a decoration for food. In this project, dry ice produces a volcanic eruption for a volcano cake. Dry Ice Bomb - Sealing dry ice into a container will cause it to burst. The safest version of this is to place a small piece of dry ice into a plastic film canister or potato chip can with a pop lid.Inflate a Balloon - Seal a small piece of dry ice inside a balloon. As the dry ice sublimates, the balloon will blow up. If you use too big a piece of dry ice, the balloon will pop!Inflate a Glove - Similarly, you can put a piece of dry ice into a latex or other plastic glove and tie it closed. The dry ice will inflate the glove. Dry ice is a lot of fun to play with, but it is very cold, plus there are other hazards associated with it. Before attempting a project involving dry ice, be sure you are aware of dry ice risks. Have fun and be safe! Dry Ice Facts | Dry Ice Science Fair Projects
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Religious Controversy During the Time of Karl Marx Essay
Religious Controversy During the Time of Karl Marx Religion in Europe before and during 1848, the year the Communist Manifesto was written, was full of trials and tribulations. This is not a new thing for religion, ever since the creation of religion there has been problems. Religion is the one uncertainty that has caused disputes even wars in the past and in the present. Religion is discussed briefly in the Communist Manifesto. However, There is enough content about religion to see Karl Marx’s views on the matter but he does not go into depth on those views. Religion around the time of the Communist Manifesto was very unstable; two events prior to this time that contributed to this instability are the Separation of Christianity†¦show more content†¦Roman Catholics saw the emperor as the ruler of the Eastern Orthodox religion. They believed that even emperors should be below spiritual authority. What the Eastern Orthodox saw when the looked at the head of the Roman Catholic Church was a bishop who was trying to dominate all other Christian leaders. The Eastern Orthodox believed that every bishop has been granted equal power from God and should rule together, not one bishop ruling over the rest. [3] These are two of the differences that led to the separation of the two religions. The word Reformation has become notorious with Western European Christianity; the two go hand in hand. The reformations to the Christian religion can be divided up into two categories, the Protestant reformations and the Christian reformation. There are three Protestant reformations, The Lutheran reformation, the Reformed Church reformation, and the Radical reformation. [4] All three were in response to problems in the practices of the Christian Church. Some of the main problems in include, poor morals of clergy, lack of pastors residing in their parish residence, and a Pope who was often pre occupied with worldly affairs. [5] The protestant reformers wanted to get rid of these problems and return to the golden days of Christianity. So reformers such as Martin Luther decided to stop waiting for the church to make a change and take thing into their own hands. The Christian reformation was a response to all three of theShow MoreRelatedThe Nazi Ideology Of National Socialism1355 Words  | 6 PagesDuring the time leading up to the Holocaust, the â€Å"Jewish question†was a question not easily and agreeably answered by the Germans. Some, like Adolf Hitler, believed the Jews were an untrustworthy and tainted breed and, ultimately, should be terminated. This leads to the Nazi ideology of National Socialism. A philosopher by the name Martin Buber believed that Judaism was more than a nation and could not solely behave as one. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Recruitment Strategy of Coca Cola for Recruitment - MyAssignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theRecruitment Strategy of Coca Cola for Recruitment. Answer: Introduction Recruitment is an important and crucial part of the company. By the proper and effective recruitment process, companies are able to hire the experienced and skilled employees for the various operation s of the company. The skilled employees are helpful for the companies to make effective operations in the market and they are also important to achieve competitive advantage in the global market (Truss, Mankin, Kelliher, 2012). Recruitment process in the company is helpful in building effective culture for the work which is beneficial for the company to make better strategies for the business. Effective recruitments are important to operate effectively in national as well as international market (Armstrong, 2008). This essay analyzes the organizational issues in a company while recruiting the employees. The essay identifies the most possible issues in the company and provides the recommendations to overcome from those issues for the better operational activities in the market. For the discussion, the famous beverage company Coca-Cola has taken. This essay analyzes various types of information which are needed to make informed human resources decisions using the unique example of Coca-Cola. The essay focuses on the recruitment process of the company and also provides the suitable recommendations for the improvement. Further, the essay is also focused on the various analyses i.e. labor relationship of company, training and diversity practices to access the HR policies. Company Overview Coca-Cola is the popular and leading beverage company across the world. Company provides various types of beverages such as juice and soft drinks. The company is operating its business in more than 200 countries in all over the world. Company has around 146200 employees across the world who is serving 3500 beverages to the customers. In all over the world, company is serving 1.8 billon customers every day which are helpful for the company to gain competitive advantage in the global market. Further, the Coca-Cola has around 275 worldwide bottling patterns who work together to drive the global success and for the refreshment of the customers. The company has strong portfolio of products in terms of diet and regular sparkling products. Along with this, company is dealing in the fruit drinks, fruit juice, coffees, waters, teas, milk, sports and energy drinks and soya based beverages. The mission of the company is to refresh the world create the value, inspire moments of happiness and mak e the difference in the products which help the company to attract the customers in operating market. By the employees of Coca-Cola, company always tries to achieve the mission and vision which is supportive for the company to develop the profile of the employees (Coca-Cola, 2012). Analysis Coca-Cola is the famous beverage company in the market. Despite of growth and success, there are some issues and challenges which can be faced by the company at the time of recruitment process. Those challenges are as follows: Labor Supply/Demand There is the strong impact of the supply or demand of labor in the beverage industry. In case of Coca-Cola there are number of substitute goods available in the market. Those substitutes are provided by the competitors of the company. Demand for the employees is the most important factor to consider. The turnover of the staff in the company is rather high i.e. 43% per year. There is the season if work and new technologies. It is most difficult to find out the groups of employees. Along with this, the experts and professionals are less and this is an issue for the company and recruitment team. The qualitative supply of the employees in the company and the beverage industry is exceeding the demand for them (Vilnius, 2008). In 2006, it is observed that in the food and beverage industry, the employees were hired almost three times more qualified than the professionals. In the employees, there were numbers of students and graduates who join training programs for different trends. There are number of students involved in the higher education and the numbers of graduates from higher education are exceeding the number of vocational training graduates. It means that there is the gap between the supply and demand of the workers and this will continue in the future. The gap between demand and supply can be the cause of serious problems for the business development of Coca-Cola. Market Trends The trends of market are helpful for the company to make more effective e product portfolio. Along with this, this is also supportive in terms of improving the understanding of the employees about serving the products in the market. Proper understanding of the market trends provides the right direction to the company and its employees to build the supportive e culture and environment. Market trends are helpful for the company to take right decisions about the product development and the employees development in terms of their lifestyle in the market or in the society. To make informed human resource decision, it is the kind of challenge for the company to collect the information about the competitors in the market (McKewen, 2016). Technology The food and beverage industry is highly competitive and the company Coca-Cola has to deal with many new technologies to stay popular among the customers. In this industry, the competitors are competing to develop same substitute products for the customers. So, company is feeling dual pressure in terms of recruiting highly efficient employees for the business and the competitors who make the products having lower prices. So, it is the challenge for the company to recruit such employees who can adapt various new technologies to remain competitive in the market. To stay competitive in the market, Coca-Cola has to adopt new technologies. To remain relevant, the employees of the company have to be able to test, prototype and launch new products according to the trends, tastes and preferences of the customers. The processes and technology should be adopted by the employees to automate processing, canning, baking, packaging and freezing while producing healthy products for the company. Thi s can also be issue for the company in the recruitment process to find out the appropriate employees who can adapt the changed technology with the change of time (Gallace, 2016). Workforce Composition In the food and beverage sector, there is the shortage of the manpower. This is the serious issue for the company while recruiting the experienced employees for the business. Due to these issues, there is the poor customer satisfaction and increased salary costs (FICCI, 2015). It is also estimated that the supply for trained employees for the entire industry is only 9 to 12%. This is the large gap which is to be fulfilled. So, this is the issue which is faced by the company while recruiting the skilled employees (Greene, 2015). Globalization Globalization is the most important factor for the success of the company. It is well known that Coca-Cola is operating in all over the world. Globalization sometimes creates some issues for the company while recruiting the people. There is the challenge for the company to coordinate the activity in the various locations. The company needs to understand the continual change in the competitive international market. Further, there is the challenge for the company to create multicultural HR team before the recruitment process. Along with this, in the global market, company has to bear additional cost for hiring the local candidates of different countries (Roach, 2009). Current Recruitment Strategies For recruiting skilled and experienced employees in the company, Coca-Cola has effective and well established recruitment process. The recruitment process of the company is helpful fir the company in defining the job responsibilities as well as job of the employees in the proper manner. For recruiting the people for the various positions and jobs, company follows both internal as well as external recruitment processes which support the company to hire skilled and experienced employees for the job roles. Along with this, the company is following well established recruitment process including advertisement and registration, shortlist of applications, first interview, psychometric testing, second interview and offer the job (Ehnert, 2009). For recruiting the employees, Coca-Cola always use hybrid technology which supports the company to reduce carbon emission. In this manner, company always uses computer and internet and provides various advertisements related to the job on the internet including registration form. In the advertisements provided by the company, there are detailed information related to the jobs, required qualification and the abilities which are needed in a candidate to assign that job (Laroche Rutherford, 2012). After receiving the applications of the candidates on the internet, company shortlists the candidates for the purpose of interview. Most of the time company shortlists 8 to 10 candidates only for the single job role. After this, the recruitment team or HR department of the company matches the criteria which are needed for the particular job with the profile of the candidates. In this process, the recruitment team of the company can cut the candidate list by 3 to 5 candidates and approach them for the first round of interview (Nankervis, Compton Morrissey, 2009). In the internet recruitment process, company follows various types of resources such as present temporary employees, present permanent employees, and retired employees etc. For this manner, company always uses internet for recruiting internal employees. For the internal recruitment, company uses in house magazines, staff notice boards, internal notice, news letter, meetings and personal recommendations etc (Johari Yahya, 2009). On the other hand, there is the external recruitment process used by the company to recruit external or new candidates for these job roles. In this process, company uses company website, press advertisements, internet, employee references, placement agencies, educational institutions and labor contractors etc (Price, 2007). Recommendation As discussed some organizational issues in the Coca-Cola Company, it can be said that those described challenges can be the serious issues for the company in future. Here are some recommendations for the company which will be helpful for the effective recruitment process. There is the gap between the demand and supply of the employees and the supply of the professionals in the labor market exceeds and compared to demand. That is the reason the qualified employees are lacking. It is recommended for the company to review the plans of involving the students in the higher education and training programs of the company. To improve the recruitment process in the company, there is the need to add some steps in the recruitment process by the company. in this manner, company should create more effective advertisements so that it can attract skilled employees and labors for the job roles. Company should approach to the employees of other companies in the market for the job role. It will be effective and helpful in improving the recruitment process of the company by selecting more appropriate and effective candidates for the job roles. The company should design the system in such a way to define the career, recognition and future goals of the employees to improve the performance of the company (Fernandez Moldogaziev, 2013). To insure long-term success in the market, company must strengthen the leadership and capabilities of the workforce at the entry level. Along with this, company should offer career opportunities and training to the employees with the fair, safe and inclusive workplace (Thoo, 2013). Conclusion This essay is focused on the recruitment process of the famous beverage company Coca-Cola. From the analysis it is observed that recruitment is the crucial process in any company to find out best candidates for the various job roles. Recruitment includes many processes to hire skilled and experienced employees. Although there are some issues at the time of recruitment process but there are some recommendations provided in the essay to deal with those issues. To fill the gap between supply and demand of the employees, company should provide proper training to the new candidates. Further, there is the need of such employees who can adapt new technologies easily to achieve competitive advantage in the market. Thus, it is important to design the system in the recruitment process to identify and recognize such candidates and their future goals in the job process. References Armstrong, M. (2008). Strategic human resource management. London: Kogan Page Coca-Cola, (2012). 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Retrieved on 25th May 2017 from Nankervis, A., Compton, R. Morrissey, B. (2009). Effective Recruitment and Selection Practices. Australia: CCH Australia Limited Price, A. (2007). Human Resource Management in a Business Context. USA: Cengage Learning EMEA Roach, S. S. (2009). The Next Asia: Opportunities and Challenges for a New Globalization. John Wiley Sons Thoo, L. (2013). International HR Assignment in Recruiting and Selecting: Challenges, Failures and Best Practices: International Journal of Human Resource Studies. 3(4) Truss, C., Mankin, D. Kelliher, C. (2012). Strategic human resource management. Oxford: Oxford University Press Vilnius, (2008). Study of Food Products and Beverages Industry: Research report on skill needs. Retrieved on 25th May 2017 from
Sunday, April 12, 2020
How To Write An Essay Essays - International Baccalaureate, Essay
How To Write An Essay 1 Approaching the Essay As a student you will almost certainly have to produce essays during your course. Some will be written during term time and contribute to course work assessment, others will be answers to questions set in formal examinations. An essay is usually defined as a continuous piece of writing ranging in length from at least 500 words to about 5,000 words for a special or extended essay. But this booklet is not just about 'writing' essays, it's about the various stages you need to consider when producing an essay and about the ways in which producing an essay helps you to learn. The time given to each of these stages will of course vary according to the conditions surrounding any particular essay. Let's look at the first stage -which is approaching the essay. Why write essays? If we understand the value of doing something, it usually helps to make us feel more positive and confident about the task. So what is the value of writing an essay? Here are some ideas - you might think of more. It forces you to organize your own thinking and develop your own point of view on issues. In one sense, writing is the crucial step which helps you get to grips with new ideas and new experiences. Without that step, it's very difficult or impossible to know how much you've really understood. Expressing yourself - ideas, new information, or whatever, in written form, really is a life skill -which you will need in almost every area of work. Essay writing gives you practice and develops that skill. If it's a term time essay, you can see it as giving you practice for writing under exam conditions. And don't forget that the essay provides very useful revision material. Lastly, it gives you a chance to get feedback from your tutor about their assessment of how much you've understood and how well you are able to communicate this. With your tutor's help, you can identify areas of strength and weakness so you know where to concentrate your energies next time. So, approach your essay positively. It can be a very valuable learning opportunity. Course conventions? Of course, you must also check out any particular requirements your course or department might have for that particular essay. How long should it be? Should it be presented in a particular way -typed, for example? If you know the answers to these questions, it will help you to feel more confident about the task. Written versus spoken One last point in this preliminary stage is to remember that there is a difference between written and spoken communication. You must select your words more carefully and make your meaning absolutely clear. Remember you won't be beside your reader to explain any difficult or obscure points. It's more important too, to have a sequence of logical steps so that your reader can follow your train of thought. Any emphasis has to be conveyed through vocabulary, sentence rhythm or punctuation. And because your reader can go at his own pace, even go back, if necessary, writing can be much more concentrated than speech. All this has been about the general framework in which you approach your essay. Now we'll go to the next stage which is to examine the task. 2 What is the Question? Understanding the question You need to examine the precise wording of the question, in order to decide exactly what you are being asked to do. You will also need to consider the assumptions behind the question and the implications that arise from the question's statement or assumptions. Does the topic require general treatment or specific reference to certain aspects? Are your own experiences and opinions worth expressing - or should you refer only to the knowledge of others? Key words It is often useful at this stage to underline what you think are the key words in the way in which the question is worded. Look for the vital words or phrases which will determine the style and structure of the answer you will write. A list of the key directive words frequently found in essay titles is given below and this might help you understand what is being asked of you in an assignment. Some terms frequently used in essay questions: Compare Look for similarities and differences between; perhaps reach a conclusion
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Use Conditional Probability to Calculate Intersections
Use Conditional Probability to Calculate Intersections The conditional probability of an event is the probability that an event A occurs given that another event B has already occurred. This type of probability is calculated by restricting the sample space that we’re working with to only the set B. The formula for conditional probability can be rewritten using some basic algebra. Instead of the formula: P(A | B) P(A ∠© B) /P( B ), we multiply both sides by P( B ) and obtain the equivalent formula: P(A | B) x P( B) P(A ∠© B). We can then use this formula to find the probability that two events occur by using the conditional probability. Use of Formula This version of the formula is most useful when we know the conditional probability of A given B as well as the probability of the event B. If this is the case, then we can calculate the probability of the intersection of A given B by simply multiplying two other probabilities. The probability of the intersection of two events is an important number because it is the probability that both events occur. Examples For our first example, suppose that we know the following values for probabilities: P(A | B) 0.8 and P( B ) 0.5. The probability P(A ∠© B) 0.8 x 0.5 0.4. While the above example shows how the formula works, it may not be the most illuminating as to how useful the above formula is. So we will consider another example. There is a high school with 400 students, of which 120 are male and 280 are female. Of the males, 60% are currently enrolled in a mathematics course. Of the females, 80% are currently enrolled in a mathematics course. What is the probability that a randomly selected student is a female who is enrolled in a mathematics course? Here we let F denote the event â€Å"Selected student is a female†and M the event â€Å"Selected student is enrolled in a mathematics course.†We need to determine the probability of the intersection of these two events, or P(M ∠© F). The above formula shows us that P(M ∠© F) P( M|F ) x P( F ). The probability that a female is selected is P( F ) 280/400 70%. The conditional probability that the student selected is enrolled in a mathematics course, given that a female has been selected is P( M|F ) 80%. We multiply these probabilities together and see that we have an 80% x 70% 56% probability of selecting a female student who is enrolled in a mathematics course. Test for Independence The above formula relating conditional probability and the probability of intersection gives us an easy way to tell if we are dealing with two independent events. Since events A and B are independent if P(A | B) P( A ), it follows from the above formula that events A and B are independent if and only if: P( A ) x P( B ) P(A ∠© B) So if we know that P( A ) 0.5, P( B ) 0.6 and P(A ∠© B) 0.2, without knowing anything else we can determine that these events are not independent. We know this because P( A ) x P( B ) 0.5 x 0.6 0.3. This is not the probability of the intersection of A and B.
Sunday, February 23, 2020
Management - Managing People Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Management - Managing People - Essay Example It is said that the existence of motivators at the place of work account for the motivation of employees however their absence did not bring about any dissatisfaction. Some of the principle motivators recognized in this regard are responsibility, recognition, promotion, achievement etc (Mullins, 2010, p.265). The efficiency that the organization has gained over the years along with the attainment of Six Sigma has been responsible for acting as a motivating force behind their job performance. The organization has been able to attain great management excellence and efficiency. This is demonstrated through the fact that their error rate diminished dramatically which have been responsible for the attainment of great operational excellence. ... This relates to the high achievement needs of people as proposed by McClelland. The high need for achievement among the workers drives them to even negotiate with traffic on bicycles or foot at rapid pace to deliver to the required destinations as per their commitment. McClelland has perceived the achievement motive as most crucial for attainment of success and growth (Mullins, 2010, p.267). Maslow’s hierarchy of needs As per the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory, the workers involved in the service demonstrate the need for self actualization which the highest order need in the hierarchy of needs in the theory. The Mumbai dabbawalahs represent the fact that the basic needs in the hierarchy have been satisfied and they have moved up to the higher order needs. The basic needs like physiological needs, security needs and social needs have already been attained and would not be able to provide any more motivation. The theory does not intend to provide an explanation of mot ivation in the place of work. However, a number of managerial theorists have adopted it. The theory has suggested that employees would always tend to acquire more from their employers. When they would be satisfied with the subsistence needs they would try to obtain the security needs which would be followed by the need to fulfil social needs and would ultimately result in fulfilling the self actualization need. The workers are now trying to seek the need for self actualization which is done by maintaining such efficiency and performance which is comparable to some of the leading corporations in the world (Mullins, 2010, p.260). Alderfer’s modified need hierarchy model The Alderfer’s modified need hierarchy also applies in this case.
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Space Shuttle Challenger Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Space Shuttle Challenger - Research Paper Example Around 73 seconds after the flight of the space shuttle it was seen that it exploded in the sky. The loss was terrible to a country that was looking for the success of the space shuttle. The space shuttle had seven astronauts who were killed instantly after the explosion. A teacher known as Christi McAuliffe was also in the crew members and she also died in the explosion. The Space Shuttle Challenger explosion occurred because of several reasons and was not associated to a single problem. Even after 25 years of the explosion the people of America have not forgotten the incident and it is still remembered all over. The National Aeronautics Space Association has taken several steps to ensure that such an accident does not occur again. This essay would further revolve around the Space Shuttle Challenger and would provide information regarding it (Travers et al 2011). History The concept of Space shuttle originated in the 1960s when Apollo was being built by the authorities. Ever since t he genesis of the shuttle project the authorities tried to build a space shuttle which could be used again for future missions. Initially the space shuttle challenger was known as STA-099 and worked as a test vehicle but soon it was to be converted into a space bound shuttle. In 1979 the National Aeronautics Space Association gave the contract of converting STA-099 into an orbiter OV-099. It was in that very year that the process began and was completed soon enough without going into much hassle. OV-099 was known as the Challenger and reached the grounds of Kennedy Space Center in 1982. The word ‘Challenger’ was given to the shuttle because of the success of a research naval vessel known as HMS Challenger. Similarly the name of the lunar module of Apollo 17 was also Challenger. The Space Shuttle underwent many tests before finally going on the mission in 1986 which changed the course of history. It launched almost 21 missions from the year of 1982 to 1986 and all of the se missions were successful except for the last one (Presidential Commission 1986; NASA, Space Shuttle Overview 2011). Mission The Space Shuttle Challenger was go on a mission called STS-51L which had several targets to be achieved. The mission of the space shuttle was to deploy a satellite known as TDRS-B. The mission included a program known as Comet Halley Active Monitoring Program (CHAMP) along with a video program known as the Teacher in space program. The program teacher in space had become very popular amongst the masses as a teacher was also included in the group of astronauts leaving in the challenger. Fluid dynamics experiment was also planned by the astronauts, which had to be broadcasted by the teacher. The teacher was entitled to provide two lectures to the students so that they could know more about life in space. It was believed that the program by the teacher would help to create an interest amongst the students and this would be a revolution in the arena of educatio n (NASA, Mission Archives 2011). Crew Members The mission 51-L consisted of around seven astronauts who unfortunately were not able to complete their task because of mishaps. Francis Scobee was the commander of the space shuttle and had previous experience of flying the shuttle on the 41-C mission. Michael Smith was selected as the captain of the shuttle and this was his first experience on a space shuttle. Colonel Ellison Onizuka played the role of a test engineer and had prior experience in space shuttle
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
ECH125 T5CulturalInstructionalStrategies Essay Example for Free
Monday, January 20, 2020
Exploring the Value of Canonical Literature and Its Role in Modern Educ
Exploring the Value of Canonical Literature and Its Role in Modern Education The English curriculum within most modern high schools seems to be comprised of two main portions. The first of these is the grammatical component, which seeks to help students better understand the structure and function of language. This aspect, although considered tedious by many students, certainly has immense value. Communication within the bounds of the English language is governed by a multitude of grammatical rules. Any student who wishes to communicate effectively must possess at least a basic understanding of these standards. The grammatical component, however, does not stand alone in the high school English classroom. It typically is accompanied by a literature section. This aspect of the curriculum focuses on the study of written works. In most secondary education settings, the literature studied falls into the realm of what is commonly referred to as â€Å"the classics.†In essence, these books are part of a canon of literary works that has been collected and passed down through the years. Having stood the test of time, they are considered by many to be â€Å"the best of the best†(Dixon 4). Most of the literature in the canon is like a fine wine in that it seems to have gotten better (or at least become more highly regarded) with age. These books typically are written by authors whose names have become legendary: Dickens, Twain, Shakespeare, Bronte, etc. Although the canon does feature a few 20th century writers such as Hemingway, Fitzgerald, and Wright, there is an undeniably heavy emphasis placed on authors who died centuries ago. Aside from a few notable exceptions, the works of the canon also tend to be f... ... classics and make it personally relevant. If this is done, the canon then becomes an invaluable tool for increasing knowledge and building understanding. WORKS CITED Appleman, Deborah. Critical Encounters In High School English. New York: Columbia University, 2000. Dixon, James G. Transcending Difference: The Place of the Classics in the Curriculum of the ‘90s. Diss. Grove City College, 1991. Funderstanding. 9 Nov. 2003. . Jain, Saranga. Literature in Education: Contemporary Texts Versus the Classics. Diss. The Pennsylvania State University, 1998. Literacy Matters. 8 Nov. 2003. . Whitehead, Alfred North. â€Å"The Place of Classics In Education.†The Aims of Education and Other Essays. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1929. 93-115.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Red Bull and Reaction Times Essay
Introduction Substances that humans intake in food or drink contain various chemicals that affect the normal bodily functions of the consumer. Stimulants are drugs which when absorbed into the body raises physiological or nervous activity. The Red Bull Energy Drink is a stimulant, which contains psychoactive ingredients such as taurine, glucuronolactone and caffeine. Sportsmen and people requiring large amounts of energy or mental stimulation consume Red Bull because the beverage claims to â€Å"increase concentration and reaction speed†. Due to Red Bull’s claim, and its increasing popularity amongst teenagers in my grade, I wanted to test if the drink did actually affect the consumer psychoactively, and to how significant an extent. To test the claim, I decided to assess 20 subjects in their psychomotor performance (reaction time/concentration) both at a normal bodily function state, and then under the influence of the chemical stimulant Red Bull. Such a test would involve many variables that had to be kept constant. Hence, this test involved 20 male subjects aged 18 to 19 years of age, who were informed beforehand of the assessment procedure. These subjects were given instructions to have at least 8 hours of sleep the night before the experiment, and were told to be present for the assessment on an empty stomach. These subjects were also not allowed to consume any other food or drink substances during the window period of testing, and the entire experiment was conducted on the same day in a 3 hour window (8:30am to 11:30am). Each subject was to consume 250ml of water (experiment control) and 250 of Red Bull. Also, to allow the substances to absorb into the body of the consumer, reaction tests were conducted only 45 minutes after consumption of the substance. Such variables were important to have been kept in order to ensure that no other environmental factors or other chemicals being absorbed into the body will affect the experiment. The reaction speed assessment is conducted electronically. Each assessment consists of the subject concentrating on a yellow spot on the screen, which will turn red. Upon changing colour, the subject has to click using a provided mouse as fast as possible, and the reaction time is calculated electronically. Each assessment consists of 5 trials. A 2 sample t-test will be used to assess the if there is a significant difference between the reaction time of the subjects under the influence of water, versus under the influence of Red Bull. Research Question Is there a significant difference between the reaction speed of 18-19 year old males under the influence of water and under the influence of Red Bull Energy Drink? Hypothesis I believe that the reaction speed of the subjects under the influence of Red Bull Energy Drink is shorter than under the influence of water. Considering how consumers drink Red Bull to boost themselves when feeling lethargic, or having difficulties focusing, Red Bull must have a significant effect on the body’s psychoactivity. I also believe that an increase in the chemical stimulants (taurine, glucuronolactone and caffine) as well as high sugar levels will cause an increase in psychoactivity within the consumer’s body due to the nature of the chemical stimulants. (A sample sign-up form can be found on the following page.) Pre-Experiment Procedure: 2. Measure 250ml of water and pour it into the large cup. 3. Repeat step 2 20 times. This is to prepare the initial control for the subjects to consume. 4. Give a cup to each subject. Subjects consume the 250ml of water at about 2 minute intervals from each other. Start the stopwatch once the first subject has begun drinking. 5. Prepare a computer terminal with the reaction test given in the following link below. Instructions on how to conduct the test are provided on-site. You may need a computer lab to carry out the test. Each test involves five trials. 6. When 45 minutes has passed, allocate the first subject to the computer. Instruct him/her to carry out the test. Assist any volunteer who may require extra help. 7. When the subject has completed the test, collect the results into a table. Allocate the next subject to begin the test. This step should be completed in exactly 2 minutes. 8. Repeat steps 3-7 once more, but instead give each subject a can of Red Bull instead of water. Investigate How Red Bull Energy Drink Affects The Reaction Time of 18-19 Year Old Human Males. (Sign-up sheet) Details: Venue: St Josephs Institution International Date: 11 June 2011 Time: 8:30am – 11:30am (please be punctual) Instructions (read carefully before signing up): * Volunteers must be male and between the ages of 18 and 19.* * Volunteers must receive 8 hours of sleep before the experiment day. * Volunteers must not have consumed any food or drinks at least 3 hours before the experiment. * Volunteers are not to consume any food or drink during the experiment period. * Volunteers are not allowed to do any strenuous activities during the experiment period. This includes running, and other forms of exercise. Std. Dev:| 0.033| 0.019| Graph showing mean reaction times of 20 males, ages 18-19 under influence of water and of Red Bull: From the graph, we can already infer that there is quite a large difference between the reaction times of the subjects under the influence of Red Bull as compared to water. The t-test to follow will show if this difference shown on the graph is a significant difference or not. T-test: I will now use a t-test to prove whether there is a significant difference between the reaction times of an 18-19 year old male under the influence of water or Red bull. Null Hypothesis (H0): There is no significant difference between the reaction times of an 18-19 year old male under the influence of either water or Red Bull Energy Drink. Alternate Hypothesis (H1): There is a significant difference between the reaction times of an 18-19 year old male under the influence of Red Bull Energy Drink as compared to water. Working: For this experiment, the degrees of freedom is calculated to be: 20+20-2=38. The t-value as provided by the GDC is 6.2966 or 6.30 corrected to 3 significant figures. The p-value as provided by the table is 1.684 (at 40 d.f) with a confidence level of 95%. 6.30>1.684, ∠´t>p. The value of t is larger than p. The P-value as calculated by the GDC is 2.232737 x 10 -7 or 0.000000223 (3.s.f.) P
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Scientists have developed various medicines and cured...
Scientists have developed various medicines and cured diseases by conducting biomedical research over the years. Animal research is one of the most common types of study in biomedical research. Statistics show that about 3.5 millions animals were used in biomedical research in the United Kingdom in 2009 (Festing 2010). Moreover, knowledge about the human heart and lungs has come from studies with dogs, and knowledge about the human immune system has been derived from mice (Gluck, Dipasquale, and Orlans 2002). Animal research helps to produce many vaccines and drugs, like penicillin, which, in turn, protect thousands of human lives. However, because of animal testing, lots of animals die and suffer during the research, which raises ethical†¦show more content†¦However, Edwin Converse Hettinger (2001) argued that just because the ability to recognize and claim rights rest solely with humans does not mean that only humans should enjoy these rights (288). Hettinger (2001) cites the fact that infants do not have the ability to make a rights claim, nor can they recognize the rights of others to do so, yet, they are given rights (288). Another example revolves around mentally disabled humans who do not have the capacity to make rights claims (Hettinger 2001 287). Some animals can perform â€Å"quasi-moral†functions, capable of conforming to the rules of right conduct. For example, dogs have the ability to be obedient, protective, and solicitous; however, there are severely retarded humans who could not achieve these minimal moral duties (Hettinger 2001 288). Moreover, Hettinger (2001) says that adult chimpanzees, pigs, parrots, and members of many other species far surpass humans when compared to infants and the mentally disabled in their abilities to act independently and with self-awareness (288). Thus, Hettinger (2001) believes that people should not so easily dismiss the fact that some animals are better able to perform moral functions than some h umans. Cohen’s view suggests that if most humans have the capacity for moral behavior, but some do not, then those who do not, still deserve moral consideration because they are â€Å"of a kind†(i.e., human kind). Consequently, Hettinger (2001)Show MoreRelatedScience Is An Empirical Science2247 Words  | 9 Pagessciences (studies phenomena), formal sciences (mathematics and logic based), and social sciences (human behavior). Natural science is an empirical science, which means that the knowledge collected must be from an observable phenomenon and must be have the means to be tested for validity by an third party with the same working conditions. Incorporated in natural science lies the branch of biology. Biology is devoted to studying living organisms and life respectively. Within biology, the fastest growingRead MoreClinical Research Past and Present6962 Words  | 28 PagesClinical Research Past and Present Tina Ross-Cruz Abstract Research disasters have been noted for years. In the early years, the reasons for these disasters was that there were no regulations governing the protection of human beings; and there were no guidelines for safety and efficacy of a new medication or treatment prior to the use in humans. Now regulations and guidelines are in effect for the protection of human subjects. These guidelines and regulations also protect the researchersRead MoreMicrobiology Research Paper6879 Words  | 28 PagesStaphylococcus aureus- Is a facultative anaerobic, Gram-positive, salt positive, cocci shaped bacterium. Staphylococcus aureus is found as normal part of the skin floral in the nasal passages and on the skin. An estimated twenty percent of people naturally have harmless Staphylococcus aureus on their skin and are long-term carries for Staphylococcus aureus. Staphylococcus aureus is the most common strand of Staphylococcus in humans to date, spread through skin to skin contact or even skin to o bject contact
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